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Comment Re:This move is rational for a public company (Score 1) 636

$65k? you can't even live in the bay area on that unless you live 'dorm style' with 2 people per bedroom and 3 or more BR's per house or apartment.

but he's right that IT is a race to the bottom. we need unions. we won't get them because young kids think they are invinceable and its ONLY young kids who are being hired. you think this is a coincidence? young kids also tend not to use insurance and their insurance costs are much lower, hence the cost to the company is much lower.

finally, companies are using more and more 'contractors' and so they can avoid paying ANY benefits to them while keeping them just as many hours and only paying 40/week (yes, personally been there, had that done to me).

"mammas, don't let your babies grow up to be programmers"

sad but there's no future in this. none. fucking sucks!!

Comment no english heard? (Score 5, Insightful) 636

quoting this wonderful gem:

Several of these workers, in interviews, said they didn't want to appear as xenophobic, but couldn't help but to observe, as one did, that "there were times when I didn't hear English spoken" in the hallways. As the layoff date neared, "I really felt like a foreigner in that building," the worker said.

I'll go ahead and name names: I used to work at cisco. I have said many times that I could walk down the hallway at any random cisco san jose building and for most of the day, not hear a single word spoken in english (in hallways or breakrooms).

is this what we want to see IN AN AMERICAN COMPANY??

I don't dislike indians. I like the culture, love the food, think people from india are fine and decent, overall. but why should it be 'normal' to walk down the hallway of a san jose, california company and not hear english for hours and hours at a time?

I should have had a gopro cam or something on me and taped what a typical day was like, there (when I still worked there; they canned my ass not too long ago). I would then send a copy to the congresscritters who think that there are not ENOUGH foreign workers in the US. maybe they want me to go a full week between hearing english in an american company?

if I go thru an interview and hear 'not a cultural match' one more time, I swear to zeus I'm going to go postal. I'm nearly at the end of my rope, here....

Comment Re:Used to work at an immigration firm (Score 3, Insightful) 636

so, you admit openly to brazenly breaking the law?

please turn yourself in and the rest of your firm.

(I do hate you, you are scum for selling out your own people. and like the cops that turn a blind eye on the thin blue line, you are just as guilty of helping to ruin the middle classs as those cops are of protecting their own even when laws are being broken by them).

its scumbags like you that nod, smile and keep letting the system crush our country.

and yes, I'm one of those who has been out of work WAY too long because I'm a white guy in the bay area and that means I'm 'too expensive'. people like you have helped keep me OUT of work.

I hold you responsible for a part of it. how do you sleep at night? dammit!!

Comment Re:PS (Score 4, Insightful) 355

the year is 2015. this is being pushed by republicans. it has the word 'science' in it.

therefore, I already know all I need to know about this.

for some things, you have to think deeply. but not for all things.

does anyone truly and honestly believe the republicans are (these days, at least) pro-science???

(what is that saying about ducks walking and quacking, again?)

Comment Re:Why such crap? (Score 1) 263

yes, a netbook running a locked down version of linux, with NO update ability, signed binaries and (to be even more sure) put the os in ROM. require some kind of key to do any writes at all to it. have dual sections of rom for redundancy and crc check them; if one is bad, switch to the other.

I could have designed and built a system in probaby 1/10 the time it took for them to PAY OFF APPLE and buy those shiny shitslates.

they used consumer grade 'auto updatable' fashon accessories for mission critical things. someone should TRULY be shamed and fired for this. (I know I would be if it was my design; I've been fired over much less than that, to be honest.)

but we won't see anyone admit it was a bad idea or bad design. never admit you were wrong! its the new american way!! in fact, if you are wrong, the current idea is to 'double down on your derp' (to use the parlance of our times).

Comment Re:Wow ... (Score 2, Interesting) 263

single vendor solution, huh? really? REALLY? you flyboys thought that trusting one platform, instead of having a dual tech strategy was ENOUGH?

who the hell is designing this system? who thought that not having an alternative backup (even if just a netbook with pdfs loaded) was a good idea?

that person or group should be fired and never hired into tech again.

stupid neophyte must be running the FAA. this does NOT inspire confidence, guys!!!

shit, guys; when I do a presentation (ie, much less critical than a FLIGHT) I bring dual tech; if my overhead slides crash, I will have foils or at least a file with me that I can use on someone else's system in the classroom. if I'm using redundancy in non-mission critical situations, I'm boggled by the fact that you flyboys brought only ONE type of tech onboard for this map stuff.

hey folks: witness the power of BRIBES, PAYOFFS AND CORRUPTION! because I cannot believe that any sane person in the tech field would send pilots up in the air with just ONE type of tech for critical documentation. some PHB must have signed a sweetheart exclusive deal with apple.

sigh. capitalism fucks us again. when will we finally agree that 'lowest bidder' is never the right thing when it comes to safety and key infrastructure elements.

Comment Re:No surprise (Score 0) 109

at least in terms of their dear music and movie IP, I now refuse to buy and only 'download' my content. even though I can easily afford to pay for it.

see, the thing is, the rich and powerful know about all the loopholes that are 'available' to them. tax havens, ways to get your own private law written AND passed, special exclusive business deals and so on. they laugh at the rules and say 'we have our own and your little rules only apply to the non-powerful, so suck it up and PAY US MORE!'

ok, you rich and powerful sure know your loopholes.

but we techies have our own. and you know what that is. you lose sleep over it each nite, in fact.

would you be a smart or a dumb person to be aware of loopholes which would benefit you and yet not avail yourself of them?

that's all I'm saying, here. goose and gander and all that.

if and when you big guys start to show some honesty, integrity and fair dealing, we can resume talks about our mutual 'respect' for each other and how we can work together to make both our lives better. but in the current state where you continually declare war on your own customer base, you will continue to do what you think is in your best interest and we will do the same for US!

but remember who started this war. the same one who started it could declare it be over and then we could think about a new model that works fairly for both sides.

nah, who am I kidding. we understand this but 'they' will never understand it. sure seems like never. or maybe its 'never plus one day' (?)

Comment systemd is a bad joke (Score 5, Insightful) 494

if I had mod points, I'd mod you as troll.

its not the 'basement dwellers' - those guys have zero experience in unix, given that they are alive less than 20 years, usually, and they know only what they've learned during the obama years and not much before that.

the rest of us who have used and managed unix since the 80's have to dump WHAT WORKED WELL and move to some new shit that clearly has issues, does not fit in or belong very well and is being forced on us.

see, the value of a craftsman is in his knowledge and experience of his tools. some people spend decades learning how to use their tools and work in their trade and the time shows; experience is worth having and paying for!

what happened now: some newbie decided the old way was not good enough and decided to change it all out, for no good reason at all (I have not yet seen a good reason to reinvent a wheel that has been working for longer than most of you have been ALIVE). faster startup is not a reason; this isn't a media player and linux still does not startup in 3 seconds or less, so what's the point of 'faster startup' when its really not fast enough to justify this forklift upgrade of sorts?

basically, the linux distros have been 'google-fucked'. I use that term to mean that some young snotnose didn't have anything better to do with his time and decided to royally break things and redo them, just because he thought it was a 'good idea'. but clearly didn't think it all the way thru and just wanted it because he just wanted it! typical google style; break things and trash all the old history of how things WERE done because, well, we just CANT LEAVE WORKING THINGS ALONE!

Comment Re:Because the public must PAY! (Score 4, Insightful) 302

each time I read about the recording industry pulling another fast one, it only encourages me to be bolder and download even MORE 'content'.

I now refuse to buy movies or music. and I can well afford it, but I simply refuse. because I can - the same reason they keep breaking their promises and agreements with us, the consumers.

they can, and we can. they don't care, so why should we?

just give up buying and paying. the bastards are just not worth supporting. too bad about the artists, but they never got all that much, anyway; its the rare performer that really gets rich. most are stiffed by the industry.

seriously - why should anyone follow laws when the big guys always ALWAYS get off scot-free and break rules without the slightest bit of care?

Comment weinstein? in pakistan?? (Score 2) 334

elephant in the room question: why is a jew (I assume) hanging out in a country that does not accept his way of life as valid?

there are places that you should not go if you are deeply hated for your last name. pakistan is one such place.

I will never understand what drives people to go spend time in such a hostile country. it does not forgive what happened, but if you go to dangerous places, bad shit can and will happen.

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