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Comment Re:Speaking as a guy in his 40s... (Score 1) 370

all you said is true.

it about wages, its about control, its about abuse, its about telling the kids to work longer and knowing they won't refuse.

its never been about quality. the industry wants speed now, they don't care about quality.

you can tell who is being honest and who is not. its like the openoffice concept; ceo's and hr's are saying that its 'to attract younger players' but in fact, its about cramming more people into the same space (saving money) and being able to 'watch' and micromanage them. its nothing about making the environment better; in fact, its noisier and people get less done and come home with more cold/flu due to not having dividers or cubes.

if a ceo or hr person is talking about open offices and they say its because it will make things better, they are LYING. well, half lying; it makes things better only for them.

Comment Re:Families come first (Score -1, Troll) 370

your piss is clean?

somehow, that seems useful to you.

to me, its a damned strange thing to brag about. but whatever, uhm, floats your boat...

showing up incapable of doing work is one thing. but are you suggesting that your 'clean piss' (is it frosty, btw?) makes you a better person?

I hate people like you. you think a 'war on drugs' makes sense. you obviously don't think for yourself; how on earth can you be a good engineer when you simply follow a party line and 'do what you're told' without question?

independant thinkers are much better designers and coders. and I hate to break it to you, but all the good designers I've met in the bay area would not have 'clean piss' to use your little phrase. and they are world-class engineers, scientists, mathematicians and highly technical people in their field.

Comment Re:At least the elected still have to listen (Score 4, Insightful) 164

its not a small victory. its the APPEARANCE of one, which is worse, because it will wrongfully quiet down a lot of complainers. which is all its intended to do.

there is 0.000000% chance that we will get our freedoms back, at least peacefully in this v1.0 government style we have created over the centuries. 1.0 worked fine when tech was stone knives and bearskins. now, 1.0 is outdated (and neutered!) and so, whatever our system comes up with, its a lie and its bullshit.

why, people, do you continue to give hope where its not deserved or earned?

Comment DECwindows ;) (Score 3, Interesting) 204

that's where I first saw X. at DEC we had DECwindows on ultrix (bsd like unix) and vax/vmx.

motif was the toolkit we developed guis in. and we used UIL to describe the UI, which was data that was read in and could change the look/feel of the widgets or their layout without rebuilding from source.

instead of node:1 for a display it was node::1 for the display (double colon meant decnet instead of that newfangled thing called IP)

Comment Re:Bets, anyone? (Score 1) 431

experience: that's what the china-hate is about.

shit parts, shit software, people who don't care, don't have good skills, aren't aligned with the west, try to cheap-out at EVERY possible chance and have a 'fuck you, what happens to you is not going affect me' attitude. what I call the 'sell and run' mentality.

I've had it with china. everthing about it stinks.

and no, it has nothing to do with asian people. its ALL about the culture, not the race. the culture is fucked up and that's all there is to it. people are people, but the culture is just not setup for QUALITY. its all about COST SAVINGS and 'screw untu others before others can screw you'.

they CAN turn themselves around, but it won't happen in the next 10 or 20 years. it took japan many decades before they turned themselves around. early 'made in japan' was pure shit. but the people decided, collectively, to stop that and they changed.

will china change? I seriously doubt it. they are too large and too stubborn. I am not holding my breath.

Comment Re:Bets, anyone? (Score 1) 431

I won't buy a car made in mexico (many VWs are). there is zero chance I'll buy a made-in-china car. an older used car is a better, more reliable bet.

simply put: china is not trustable for safety, materials quality, not anything, really. and since the move to china is ONLY about cost and NEVER EVER about quality, there is no upside to this.

cars won't be a bit cheaper, either. you can count on the parent company keeping any extra profits.

the only way this will work is if there is no more choice and everything is made in china. and again, those of us who know will simply stop buying new and buy used.

you can restore a used car and it costs less than the new ones.

plus, well, new cars come with lots of spy shit. a pre OBD2 car has no spy shit in it.

Comment Re:1st Amendment rights?? (Score 1) 347

ah, I see. you equate 'evil' with the word 'liberal'.

thanks for letting us know where your head is. you've just told us a whole lot about yourself with that one comment.

(now, if we could only get you to understand WHAT the word liberal really means. and no, its not equivalent to 'everything that I cant stand').

Comment Re:Python (Score 1) 466


after 30 or so yrs in C, I'm finally getting some time (at work) to learn python. I already know bash, but python is getting more popular by the year and shows no signs of fading.

groovy? are you kidding me. be serious. if you want java, run fucking java and not some bastardization of it that forces people who have to support your code to waste time on a variant of a language that is just not worth the short amount of expendable/spare time we have.

Comment Re:The world... (Score 5, Informative) 236

Most digital engineers can do analog design as well.
Digital is generally much more complicated than analog design.

uhm, you could not be more wrong!

digital is trivially easy. the tools do the work for you. pcb trace layout, while no one seriously uses autorouters, can be done with little effort and the verification tools ensure signal integrity.

but working with analog is much harder and more of an art than science. you need experience and you don't get that from school.

today's EE's dont' even know how to solder. its pathetic. they run a sim and type on keyboards. some don't even use test gear, like scopes.

no, analog is much harder and still needed. audio and video have a lot of analog nature to them, still, and power supplies, rf systems, antennas, filters (that are not done in dsp), buffers and amplifiers - all analog.

digital has leeway before it fully breaks; but analog has to be done right or performance will suffer.

Comment Re:So wait... what? (Score 1) 314

everyone in calif is required to have auto insurance, so THAT's a total non-argument about ride-sharing.

and to blow your other 'help pay for airports' point away, its paid thru taxes and fees, fees, fees and more fees. I don't have to pay fees to pick a friend up and I can do that all day long if I want, without any legal issues.

so, this is not about ANYTHING but keeping the cabbies in a nice profit center.

nothing more and nothing less.

Comment Re:Exposes a vulnerability (Score 1) 253

no, its not a vulnerability. calea laws ensure that comms equipment MUST be tappable by The Man(tm).

cell repeaters are no different. everything that 'talks' has to be tappable, by US law.

it sucks and I hate that concept, but it is currently US law.

if there is a 'vulnerability' the vendor was told to put it there under pain of, well, you know what.

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