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Comment I don't think the device itself would be legal. (Score 3, Informative) 104

As far as I know, the device (if it actually could work) would be illegal in most of Europe. Charging a device with the EM waves sent by other devices is considered energy theft and thus forbidden. In the 1960ies, devices charged by radiowaves from a nearby radio tower were a constant theme in the electronic magazines, but later, this was forbidden, as it actually forces the radio tower to increase the emitted amount of energy to compensate for the loss due to the charging device.

Comment I stopped wearing a watch some years ago. (Score 1) 427

I am working all day with computers, and there I have the time somewhere in a widget or just a command away. The car has a watch. There are watches all over town. Thus, I don't need a wristwatch, and in the few situations where I need to know the time and there is no watch around right now, I still can pull out the mobile and check.

Thus for me: Currently nothing could convince me to buy a smart watch.

Comment Re:Give me a break. (Score 1) 109

This is a huge misunderstanding.

What I wanted to point out is, that painting regulations as anti-big business without further elaboration is completely misguided, as you can paint anything as anti-big business, even the most pro-business laws. And property laws are the most pro-business laws of all, as they actually create the property you can trade.

Comment Re:Give me a break. (Score 5, Insightful) 109

It's just a coincidence that every law is anti-big business. Imagine all the business opportunities, if big business could just hire some gun men and force people out of their houses! Those pesky property laws are so totally anti-big business. It's so anti free market that the people with more and better guns shouldn't be able to expand their market share.

Comment Re:Externalities (Score 1) 262

Most of the environmental issues from Coal have effectively been eliminated, except for the perceived C02 emission standard,

So, other than spewing the single largest existing threat to the welfare of human civilization, coal is just fine.

Meanwhile, by your arguments, the problem of setting up a recycling center for solar panels appears to be an intractible dilemma.

Comment Re:I can see why they didn't investigate (Score 3, Interesting) 60

It could give all the european intelligence agencies cold feet for cooperating with the NSA. It could give all the citizens angry about the constant surveillance and the nonchalance of their politicians about it a boost. It makes everyone liable who gives material support to the NSA from within the E.U., which in turn makes the life miserable for David Cameron and the GCHQ.

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