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Comment Re:Biased Institutions FTW (Score 1) 784

People may drive like assholes, but at least they never go fast enough to kill you (unless you fall under). Also, in my experience, it's the pedestrians and the cyclists especially that just do whatever they want. The motorists weren't that aggressive, outside the taxi drivers, who unfortunately still make up like 20-30% of vehicles on the road.

Comment Re:No. (Score 1) 368

I think he just doesn't want to deal with the pressure of being associated with it. He already cancelled 0x10c because he lost interest and it had already become "a thing." Seems like just wants to work on his own stuff and spit out whatever he finds fun without half the internet watching.

Comment Re:And like most VMWare things.... (Score 1) 60

I've been using AirWatch for some years now, and it works great. There's nothing "cloud" about my environment either... I hope this isn't the beginning of the end, though. With them leveraging a piece of AirWatch for something else, I hope this isn't a precursor to the discombobulation of the MDM suite...

Comment Re:Never used any 8.1 apps from their store (Score 1) 188

I use the Citrix receiver, since the Windows App Store version doesn't start up stuff (like the Citrix Connection center) when you log into your PC that disables window effects/themes. It also doesn't throw annoying icons in your start menu and on your desktop for remote apps. Great for the PC you only occasionally connect to Citrix with. I also use a cool Kanji lookup app on my convertible ultrabook. I have a few games I've bought through it, but it's pretty minimal.

Comment Headache Central (Score 1) 348

Yes. Often times in less critical systems, it happens. If it's critical, though, or has any privileged accounts that can access critical stuff, it definitely keeps it. Let me tell you, as nice as the Windows Firewall interface is in Server 2008 and above, it can be a painstaking endeavor to find all the exceptions you need. Then there's always the support guy asking "Umm... why come... why come I can't ping this? It's broke. Fix it."

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