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Linux Business

Journal Journal: "Today I are a kernel hacker!"

The very first patch I ever submitted to an open source project was in August of 1998. It was a patch to Apache to allow execution of extensionless CGI executables under Windows. It was initially accepted, but then backed out rather quickly because it was horribly broken... but it was accepted, if ever so briefly. It was a really kind of cool.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Irregular conjugations 2

I was just reading through this story, and while I'm normally not a grammar Nazi, I felt the overwhelming need to explain the following over and over again as I read the comments about the article. Rather than make two dozen individual posts, I decided to vent my annoyance here...

User Journal

Journal Journal: My guilty little literary secret 2

I've been reading SF for as long as I can remember. Since early childhood, certainly. My dad is a big SF fan, and I grew up reading Asimov, Heinlein, Clarke, Simak, collections of Nebula Award winners and other short stories anthologies. I've always enjoyed good SF, whatever the genre. The only thing I've steered clear of was... well, you know... those titles. The "property" books. The ones based on some TV show, or some movie, or meant to tie into the Amazing Launch (TM) of some

User Journal

Journal Journal: Dossiers and Daughters

Two entries in one day. Wow. I'm almost blogging.

Words have different meanings to different types of people. Mention "dossier" to a 60's-era activist, and they probably have images of a dusty manila folder being studied by The Man. Mention "dossier" to me, on the other hand, and I immediately think of baby girls.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Praise for Speakeasy 2

Just got off the phone with the customer support at Speakeasy. I didn't call them about a technical problem - I've only had two trouble tickets with them in almost three years of service. No, I just called to check on their current options and see if they had anything a little more cost-effective than my current plan.

You would not believe how polite and helpful these folks were. Five minutes time, and they knocked $30/month off my bill.

Journal Journal: Blakey Rat's Law

The Laws of Slashdot #15 - first sighting of Blakey Rat's Law:

Anybody who brings up Microsoft Bob in a Linux vs. Windows discussion not only instantly ends the discussion, but loses whatever their point of view is.


Journal Journal: Why there is *zero* chance of my vote going to Kerry 2

[This is part of a comment posted earlier today... I have been thinking about this for a bit, and finally took the time to pull some of my thoughts together to explain exactly why I just don't care what Kerry has to say.]

Journal Journal: 0x0d0a's Law

The Laws of Slashdot #12 - first sighting of 0x0d0a's Law:

Those who invoke Godwin's Law usually lack a counterargument.

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If a thing's worth having, it's worth cheating for. -- W.C. Fields
