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Journal Samrobb's Journal: Praise for Speakeasy 2

Just got off the phone with the customer support at Speakeasy. I didn't call them about a technical problem - I've only had two trouble tickets with them in almost three years of service. No, I just called to check on their current options and see if they had anything a little more cost-effective than my current plan.

You would not believe how polite and helpful these folks were. Five minutes time, and they knocked $30/month off my bill.

I've always recommended Speakeasy because I've been impressed with their technical service and support. (I'm sure that there are some folks who aren't, but my personal experience with them has been outstanding.) Now, on top of that, they were willing to help me figure out how to pay them less money for the same service I've been getting over the past couple of years.

Wow. My only regret is that I didn't call them about this sooner.

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Praise for Speakeasy

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  • Not being a customer, I don't know what Speakeasy provides? Is it a broadband provider? VOIP Service?

    • A broadband provider (see http://www.speakeasy.net).

      From what I've seen recently, though, they're getting into the VOIP market as well (or, at least, reselling VOIP service to their customers). I'm looking at saving another $50/month by cancelling my phone service and using them as a VOIP provider.

It is much harder to find a job than to keep one.
