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Comment Re:Why would you want this? (Score 1) 178

You seem to be in denial yourself. You have conflated the effect of nicotine delivered as cigarette smoke with the MAOI for the effects of just nicotine.

All of those claims for nicotine having devastating cardiovascular effects are actually the other components of cigarette smoke having devastating effects.

Comment Re:Nicotine is great! (Score 1, Troll) 178

Only if they are well trained little monkeys. The vapor doesn't tend to persist in the air like cigarette smoke does. It has none of the bad smell of cigarettes and very little nicotine is left on the exhale.

You sound like one of those people I used to use for my own amusement by holding an unlit cigarette just so I could watch you start coughing obnoxiously as a Pavlovian response.

Comment Re:Just Require an IQ Test (Score 1) 673

Considering recent studies show that cancer is more likely to be caused by genetics than smoking

Can you link to these "recent studies"?

And if so, why did lung cancer rates fall by 12% in the last 30 years in the US, does that mean we are evolving immunity?

Or perhaps it lines up with reflect changes in the nation's smoking habits - smoking less, especially by men.

Comment Re:Required vaccine? (Score 3, Insightful) 178

Some of the most interesting new research in psychiatry is the positive effects of nicotine on sufferers of schizophrenia. It is one of the few thinghs that can treat the negative symptoms of the disease and it is the only one that has no nasty side effects (as long as the delivery mechanism isn't smoking).

The vaccine sounds like a really bad idea.

Comment Re:Why would you want this? (Score 5, Interesting) 178

Then it turns out that nicotine use was self-medication and now you can't use any of a new class of drugs being developed that are all based on nicotine. OOPS

Nicotine has been far too politicized. It is practically impossible to find proper research. Most of it conflates smoking and nicotine use. Most of the really nasty effects of smoking are from the many other things in cigarettes, not the nicotine. There is evidence that that includes much of the the addiction. Practically everyone who has switched to e-cigarettes has noticed this. Even though the e-cig is giving you as much or even more nicotine than the cigarette, it somehow doesn't get rid of all the craving at first. There is a definite 3 day to two week period before the user is comfortably on the e-cig. A while after that, most users find that they want the e-cig but not in the urgent way they used to crave a smoke break. Many, if not most, choose to reduce the nicotine level in their ecig even if their intent was never to quit nicotine.

A leading theory is that the harmaline (an MAO inhibitor) found in cigarette smoke is responsible. It potentiates the addictive effect.

Once the tar, particulates, carbon monoxide, and most of the nitrosamines are eliminated from the delivery mechanism, nicotine use is much more benign and for some people, even beneficial.

All of this would be much better known if nicotine wasn't such a political bogeyman.

Comment Re:Steve Scalise did NOT speak to KKK group (Score 1) 420

Scalise, 49, who ascended to the House GOP’s third-ranking post this year, confirmed through an adviser that he once appeared at a convention of the European-American Unity and Rights Organization, or EURO.

What part didn't you understand. That is him copping to it.

But the adviser said the congressman didn’t know at the time about the group’s affiliation with racists and neo-Nazi activists.

And saying it was a mistake.

Wipe the stars out of your eyes!

Comment Re:No way! (Score 1) 514

Many companies are finding that offshoring isn't working out all that well and are moving the work back onshore. We do have the option of placing tariffs on the companies that want to take but not give back.

Note that at the same time I would like to cut off H1-B, I want to make a green card easier to get. It's much harder to treat a green card holder like an indentured servant.

Comment Re:thatsracist.gif (Score 1) 823

Also, I think you're a racist old fuck. How is "rap shit" music at 1200dB any worse than your 455 also blaring at 1200dB?

Where at all in my post, did I mention the race of anyone listening to rap shit?

I think you're the racist if you start playing the race card based on a statement about loud obnoxious music being blared by someone whose race was never mentioned.

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