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Comment Re:Contract law needs to be redone (Score 1) 262

I disagree entirely. If you don't understand a contract, don't sign up to its terms. If enough people did it, and explained their reasons for not buying a product, then the company in question would make it easier to read. If you don't understand it without a lawyer, get a lawyer, or just don't sign. That simple.

Don't legislate for people's stupidity and apathy, because that encourages it.

Comment Re:They are wrong (Score 1) 508

So - you are assuming that space science is solely NASA then?

No. They're just the lion's share. My view is that for space science, they probably outweigh the rest of the planet, including the DoD's expenditures on space science.

What about developing the engineering and technological means to allow for long stays on the moon? Spend 5-10 years researching astronaut safety, building materials, biospheres, ecological and environmental surveys for using natural resources - then go to the moon for extended stays of weeks and months? Using this technology to then go to Mars? It is the choice of where to put the limited funds for the next 5 years, 10 years... where will it be of the most use?

Personally, I'd rather the US's budget were reduced by a factor of two or three. Elimination of NASA funding as a side effect would be acceptable. But since it isn't going to happen, yes, with the proviso that extended stays mean stays of years, not weeks or months. Unmanned space science missions should take advantage of well known economies of scale (such as reuse of technology and standardized components, building more probes at a time to spread out development costs, and missions that favor smaller, more frequent launches over larger, less frequent launches. And such research should support US economic needs, such as figuring out how to make money from activities and resources in space.

Comment Re:Doubt it will ever get made (Score 1) 349

The main problem with Firefly was that Fox showed them out of order, with The Train Robbery as the first episode on tv. I watched about 1/2 hour of it and turned it off. Wasn't until Serenity movie hit cheap DVD's at Costco that I watched it and then picked up the entire series. Watching it in the order Whedon filmed them, it was a lot better.

'Course, I've heard that Fox has a revolving door with upper management and it's usually a new manager coming in who kills off shows of his predecessor, sorta' like a dog pissing on another dog's spot.


Comment Re:My OS/2 story (Score 1) 432

Um, OS/2 never had a WindowsNT 3.51 emulator.

It had Win32s for it's Windows 3.1 support layer, which was well-acknowledged at the time to be a nearly complete miscarriage of an implementation. If something was written for Win32s, you had a 50/50 shot of it working properly with standard Win32.

And odds are they were using the Watcom Compiler, who's Windows support I considered shit. OS/2 and protected mode DOS however, it was pretty solid.

Comment Re:Seriously, this is a casting nightmare (Score 1) 349

"Did the writer's ever actually read the original Jack Kirby, Stan Lee comic that this was based on?"

Of course they did. They also read the Ultimate (FF,Galactus) series of comics, and introduced some of those ideas because their superiors at Marvel forced them to. The result was the mess you watched in the theater.

Comment Re:Doubt it will ever get made (Score 1) 349

There is no way that a) Downey is going to agree to doing an ensemble picture as a bit player after headlining 2+ Iron Man movies, or b) That the studio is going to spring for the big money it would take to hire him, just for an ensemble role in a risky new franchise.

No way? a) Iron Man is the Leader of the Avengers. Downey gets to boss around the other stars, and stare down Jackson, who will only have one eye to stare with. b) Maybe it's part of his contract that he'll play Iron Man in three movies, like McGuire got stuck for Six Spiderman movies.

Comment Re:Bad summary (Score 1) 139

to deference any NULL pointer would effectively be calling that function, assuming this memory mapping really works.

It's not as simple as that. If the kernel contained a read access to that pointer in the exploitable code, it would still perform a read, even though the memory location contained executable code. The only thing would be, that now you would have the numerical value of the instructions in a register, that's it.

But in many cases, the NULL pointer dereference would still be exploitable, it would only be slightly more complicated.

Hardware Hacking

Where To Start In DIY Electronics? 301

pyrosine writes "I've been thinking about this for a while and have no idea where to start. I have little or no previous experience in electronics — just what is covered in GCSE physics (wiring a plug and resistors — not much, I know). The majority of my interest lies in the wireless communication side of the field — i.e. ham radios and CB — but I am also interested in how many things work, one example being speakers, simply to better understand it. I would preferably like to start with some form of practical guide rather than learning the theory first, but where I would find such a walkthrough eludes me."

Comment Khan Academy (Score 1) 467

I'm almost in the same situation as yourself. Went back to university in my early thirty's after 10 years outside of academia. One site I really liked and recommend it the Khan Academy site. It starts with basic arithmetic, allows you to work through multiple examples while grading your progress as you go along. Works it's way up to derivatives the last time I checked. I'm really not doing justice to the excellent work done by Sal (if my memory serves me well that's his first name as well as being a MIT graduate). The site linked to youtube videos explaining the concepts and back when i used it all of this was completely free. If you happen to know anyone related to this site, tell them I said thank you. S.

Help Me Get My Math Back? 467

nwm writes "I am trying to refresh my math skills back to the point that I can take college-level statistics and calculus courses. I took everything through AP calculus in high school, had my butt kicked by college calculus, and dropped out shortly thereafter. Twenty+ years later, I need to take a few math courses to wrap up a degree. I've dug around some and found a few sites with useful information, but I'm hoping the Slashdot crowd can offer some good resources — sites, books, programs, online tutors, etc. I really don't want to have to take a series of algebra-geometry-trig 'pre-college' level courses (each at full cost and each a semester long) just to warm my brain up; I'd much rather find some resources, review, cram, and take the placement test with some confidence. Any suggestions?"

Kid's Single Lady Dream Is Crushed 45

All you need is $250,000, a considerable amount of counseling and psychiatric assessment, speech therapy, and hair removal.

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