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Comment Relations with upstream (Score 1) 319

What is the policy of Canonical regarding work with upstream projects, like GNOME? While some other parties are working quite closely with upstream (for example, RedHat is working very closely with GNOME, and GNOME is working closely with gstreamer), Canonical is inclined to make stuff in-house (SSO, online accounts, Unity etc.).

Comment Re:Message to the intolerant (Score 1) 957

It's why every ideology seeks control of the education system. Hint... look up the Hitler Youth, or how communism took over education.

You don't need to look that far to see it in action. Look at scientific ideology taking over school system. Ideally every thing taught is scientific or at least not contrary to science of the time. Just because most on /. approve this vigorously doesn't make it any less true.

Comment Re:To stop being sexist, stop being sexist (Score 1) 697

Seems to me that you are avoiding the question of WHY discriminiation is wrong. Simply stating that it is fundamentally wrong without a rationalization for why it is wrong isn't particularly useful. Sure, it is nice and simple to say that and ignore the whys, but it isn't really all that helpful to getting us to a place that fixes the problems that discrimination causes.

It's wrong because it violates the fundamental assumption that all people are born (or created, if you're a deist/theist) equal.

People are not born equal. That is a fact of life. Although USA is in high up in social mobility ratings, poor are still more likely stay poor and rich are more likely to stay rich. Ignoring reality and pretending that reality matches shouldland is silly at best.

Comment Pentax Q (Score 1) 402

It really depends on what you want form the beast, but I would suggest looking into Pentax Q camera.
Strong side: really small (camera and lenses), solid, has controls of a DSLR.
Weak side: expensive, small sensor, not many lenses (without adapter at least).
Small sensor is not always a bad thing. It depends, if you want to fight with focusing.

Comment Re:GNOME Survey (Score 1) 315

What is the wrong with that exactly? If I want to run gnome-calculator, I don't type the whole thing, in my locale, all I do is press + k + a + . Four keys and I am done. With mouse and gnome panel it would be Applications (aim, click), Accessories (aim, click), Calculator (hunt, aim, click).

Comment Re:I can't be the only one can I? (Score 1) 315

For those who "just want to browse web", there is Ubuntu LTS. It is basically "install this for normal users for a pain-free experience". The other releases are "We've got this cool stuff, wanna have fun?" If you want stability and the latest stuff, there is a price to pay (usually in lots of dollars).

Next, Gnome doesn't and cannot shove anything down anyone’s throat. See the note about LTS above.

When Gnome 3 came out, it was good enough for those who like cutting edge. I even switched distributions (a big deal for me) just to use it, and later had a hard time using the old gnome panel. Why? Launching applications with the keyboard is fast and cool. What's not to like? And if you really need the menu, it's still there. And if you think Gnome 2 was without problems, then you haven't used a multi monitor setup with different resolutions, or I would really want to know how you made icons on the panels stand still.

Further, I don't know why, but even gnome 3.2 still honours the gconf key /apps/metacity/general/focus_mode. Learn your tools. And if you believe that this feature is so important, go to the gnome design IRC channel and try to explain why it's so important (and not just for you). If they say they don't have enough manpower to support it (and believe me, in Gnome 2 it did have some strange undesirable effects), then volunteer to support it. You can't just yell at developers and expect that to make things better.

Speaking of which, one of the reasons why gnome panel was dropped was because it became an unmaintainable mess. I am glad you liked the result, but someone has to work with the code behind it. Should developers be in command? Maybe not, but in free software their opinion counts. You think that you are a developer. Well great, maybe you should have a chat with the Gnome developers who ported and maintain gnome-panel in Gnome 3 and give them a helping hand?

In short, for something to be done, someone has to do it. You can either do it yourself and/or convince others it has to be done. It is not some random rule someone just made up, it is just how life is.

Comment Re:Linux Mint Debian Edition LMDE is Gnome 2 (Score 1) 117

Don't mind me being lazy, but:
1) why do you believe Gnome wants to have shell as UI for every device? Any links to chat logs or anything like that?
2) i know one thing, that makes touch interface better for mouse interface — on touch the buttons have to be bigger and it helps to faster position the mouse as well. Mind telling us the downsides?

Comment Re:Linux Mint Debian Edition LMDE is Gnome 2 (Score 1) 117

More like Gnome doesn't believe THEY should develop different UI for different devices. Why should they do that? Do gnome devs target smartphones? Haven't seen that. If you have seen shell early prototypes, it is clear that they made the shell for desktop, but keeping in mind the touch interface.

Speaking of themes, they sure look nice (sometimes), but changing icons (the main theming after changing wallpaper, which is allowed) can (and does) cause problems, when a lot of recognizing happens using icons.

Finally, if you really want to have fun with the look, the option is there, it is called "gnome tweak tool". And the shell can be modified with CSS.

Comment Re:terrorists won (Score 1) 885

If I understand correctly, Al-Qaeda is organizing and executing quasi-military operations against USA. If the member of this organization is plotting in U.K., then they are not rounded up and shot (they get the trial and all), and this is not because brits are nice, it is because "terrorist" can actually be arrested. That is the main problem — asking local authorities to do the arrest and trail is not always possible (think Pakistan).

So now the question is — what is USA supposed to do? Kindly as local authorities do something about it even if they obviously can not?

On the ethical point, on one hand you say that there is no difference, I see it as trying to minimize overall death count (good thing). I don't know if you listen to news very often, but "There has been an explosion in market in Kabul killing 34 and injuring many more" and other such news you hear every other day is not because of badly installed gas pipes.

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