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Comment Re:The unlocked phone comes at quite the premium. (Score 1) 568

So, the "turn around and cancel" option is $179 + $350 ... for a net price of $529. Identical to the "just buy it unlocked" price.

Seems like a 100% reasonable ETF to me (far moreso than Verizon's ETF of twice the phone "discount" to cover "phone assistance" and "network upgrades" per their statement to the FTC).

Comment Re:Does Kurzweil get the idea of an e-Reader? (Score 1) 168

>For a guy that is supposed to be a step ahead tech-wise, apparently he doesn't understand that people want a portable device that is easy to read.

Early in the computer revolution, the idea of a centralized application on dedicated hardware was popular. People envisioned computers that just ran word processors or just ran whatever stand alone application. For a little while this worked but it turns out what people want is to be able to break away from expensive dedicated hardware and just run software on a commodity machine.

Whats going on now is that people are just asking "Why must I pay $400 dollars, cant I just run this on my laptop?"

Unfortunately for nutty McFuturist, Amazon has already beaten him to the punch. You can read a Kindle book on a Kindle, on an ipod/iphone, or on a PC. I suspect the Nook will be doing this soon. Essentially, these companies are just competing on DRM formats. Not much else.

Comment Re:Hacking off your nose to spite your face (Score 1) 620

You are leaving out medical costs from long term coffee use. Yes, to much coffee regularly takes a toll, especially on the heart. And just so you know, almost everyone drinks it in enough quantities to be damaging. IN about 15 more years there is going to be an 'epidemic' of heart problems.

Not ever drinking caffeine is far better for productivity.

Comment Re:Risk Assessment (Score 2, Informative) 746

The only reason anyone carries a gun around in public is because they intend to kill someone.

Wrong. Law abiding citizens carry guns in public to stop people from robbing or murdering them. We don't want to murder anyone and would only fire as a last resort. In many self defense situations no shots are fired, merely producing the weapon stops most attacks. You have nothing to fear from law abiding concealed carry holders unless you are a criminal. If people want to carry guns to murder as you claim, then why are crime rates down while the number of guns only increases? http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance.htm

Comment Reminds me of this (Score 1) 836

Hello? Ah, Mr Victim, I'm glad to say that I've got the go-ahead to lend you the money you require. Yes, of course we will want as security the deeds of your house, of your aunt's house, of your second cousin's house, of your wife's parents' house, and of your grannie's bungalow, and we will in addition need a controlling interest in your new company, unrestricted access to your private bank account, the deposit in our vaults of your three children as hostages and a full legal indemnity against any acts of embezzlement carried out against you by any members of our staff during the normal course of their duties... no, I'm afraid we couldn't accept your dog instead of your youngest child, we would like to suggest a brand new scheme of ours under which 51% of both your dog and your wife pass to us in the event of your suffering a serious accident. Fine. No, not at all, nice to do business with you.

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