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Comment Re:gimme a break (Score 1) 242

No, though Woz might've had his share of (somewhat close relative) charm, what he mainly had was the "touch". I think charisma would be to slander him as a "bullshipper".

Comment Doing better with it these days, but... (Score 1) 310

...keep in mind my job is pretty flexy hours, and I've dragged myself considerably out of the tomb compared to where I was a few years ago.

Though it was perhaps a bit beneficial in the 19th century and before, nowadays this strikes me as just the type of thing some fat leech would dream up, sitting in his cushy (effortless) job, and congratulating himself on how insightful he is. I have no doubt that this (now meaningless) change LITERALLY puts an end to some poor folks every year who are hanging on by their fingernails.

Comment Re:AR15 != battle rifle (Score 1) 117

None of the 223 or AK type are battle rifles. Those are all assault rifles. A BR has to be a high power, like a 308 or 30-06 (incl FAL, M1(A), AR-10). The only (slight) over-lap is the AR-15's range, though it should really have more brute stopping power to be a BR imo.

Comment Re:Ok (Score 1) 451

I made a career out of being fired by American companies for about 20+ years. Then, I got hired by a foreign one, which for a while seemed to be trying to make a career out of forcing me to quit! :( After 7 years, but of us seem to be failing in our cour objectives! :( Seriously, though, this company has a knack for "gitting r done" in spades, and allying oneself with one such would be my number one recommendation to anyone seeking a career in tech. THAT (i.e. serious cutting edge technologies and applications) is the main thing which is hard to do on one's own. Aside from that, I generally and strongly agree with all The Cat said about employers. It can be good to learn how to leave the scene of a disaster with dignity, however.

Comment exercise? (Score 1) 459

seems like the mimimum should be to enforce some kind of exercise. it doesn't get much more sedentary than lab animals. thus, if the results are actual (??), the findings should be low prot high carbs preferable IF SEDENTARY. (though that seems somewhat counerintuitive as well).

Comment Re:Guy is foolish. (Score 2) 188

I think possibly the most significant thing he did was to get them to message him FIRST. As in David Halberstam's critical rule of diplomacy (from Best and the Brightest), the first to the negotiations table largely empowers the other to dictate the condtions of the armistice. Not that this is sufficient when dealing with women by any means, but it is significant.

The other important things he did with this experiment is to identify the most critical questions, and confirm that women put considerable stake in those questions and resultant ratings, based on the spike in inquiries he got. I, myself, have used the site, and find it to be good overall, though I'm less taken with the questions/ratings. My main interest there is a few show-stoppers, the NUMBER of questions answered, and the explanations included with the answers. To somewhat negate the whole thing, I think high confidence* in that system might suggest an authoritarian character, which is something of a show-stopper for me.

*I.e. causing one to be a first contacter.

Comment I appreciate the insight of other users on this... (Score 1) 124

...matter, which is one of the main reasons I continue to look at slashdot. Thanks for all insights provided.

In my opinion and limited but significant knowledge, killing an application in such a way is exactly (a) the power a company like MS has with their proprietary code base and (b) perfectly consistent with that I perceive to be their business model.

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