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Comment Re:The problem is the "social sciences". (Score 1) 493

While somewhat simplistic, I think the GP post did have some merit. And you confirm it, albeit very indirectly when you mention the ease with which social sciences are malleable to whichever political agenda requires their services. This is all caused by the fact that social sciences don't produce falsifiable results: there are no hypotheses, let alone theories, in social sciences, that are falsifiable.

That is their greatest weakness, the very reason why they shouldn't be called "science". There is no bias in this statement, even IF those who dedicated their lives to social sciences feel offended by it.

Comment It was supposed to be a Real Computer (Score 2) 177

running a Big Boy's OS. You know, a device that gives its user a lot of freedom and power. A phone that could be connected to a keyboard and monitor to do the same or similar things my 6 year old desktop can do.
These specs are not a good match for that vision. I can live with the poor resolution, the mid-range camera and the relatively small screen size (though I'm definitely a fan of phablets). The slow CPU and limited amount of RAM are killers, though, and not in the good sense of the word.

Comment Re:Lasers are easy to stop (Score 1) 517

By the by, do you know what the primary advantage of a railgun is? No, it's not super-high muzzle velocity. it's elimination of the powder charge. Since the powder charge for a modern (defined as post-WW1) artillery piece is larger than the projectile, that more than doubles (more than triples for most artillery) your ammo capacity. And that's not even counting the space taken up by the fire-suppression system and armor protecting the powder magazines.

Your post deserves to be modded up to infinity, because THIS is the fucking point.

Comment Re:its a tough subject (Score 4, Insightful) 673

because I am not anti vax, but i am pro choice. in that people should be free to do as they wish with their own bodies

As long as these bodies are kept out of civilization, i.e. basically hermits, then I'm fine with that. If you want to participate in society, though, you have to get vaccinated. It is part of the social contract you make with the rest of humanity. It is analogous to you waving around your hands (your body) being free, as long as you don't hit someone in the face (someone else's body).

Comment Huh? *Scratches head* (Score 3, Informative) 210

Seems pretty lively to me. Even too lively, at times. I have about a thousand people circled, and am circled by a few thousand. I do post public, but I post more private posts. People in my circles have a similar ration - maybe a bit more public than private, but very similar ratio to mine.

My experience of G+ is that it's a buzzing, lively, chaotic place with the usual fun, or thoughtful, or sometimes dramatic posts. Interestingly enough, I don't have any member of my family posting on G+

At times my experience of G+ can be a bit frenzied, but it's mostly fun. DEFINITELY not boring.

Comment Trackpad with no keys = useless for CAD (Score 1) 229

Most CAD applications are usable only with two-button mice and trackpads - although 3 button mice and trackpads are better.

(besides, I personally prefer the tackpoint (AKA "clit") to the trackpad, but I can't even hope to have such open-source laptop to have that option - that's asking too much, I guess)

Comment Re:a better question (Score 1) 592

I second this. If you want a top-of-the-line, high-quality laptop, you can go for a ThinkPad. In addition to getting more powerful hardware for parity of money, you get an eminently repairable laptop, which actually contributes to the more expensive build of a ThinkPad. Apple made non-repairability into a virtue to pursue.

Comment Re:Fix the damn markup (Score 1) 784

It's been broken and invalid for at least 13 years. No one gives a shit, at least those that can fix it.

Well someone fucked it up good and proper in the last 2 days. The layout is now totally borked on Safari 6.1, whereas at the start of the week it was perfectly fine.

Chrome user here - it's FUBAR'd here, too. Obnoxious grey background strip along the right side. Looks like arse.

Comment Re:Biased Institutions FTW (Score 1) 784

I really feel for you, your wife and your sister in law, and of course, the children affected. But one thing I have a hard time sympathizing with, is your complaining about the alcohol-drinking policy. Basically, the easiest way to comply is not to drink alcohol. Is that really so difficult for you to do? I've completely abandoned alcohol drinking out of sensibility towards my Buddhist wife. I do consider alcohol a rather dangerous drug when consumed by people with low IQ and/or experience, but I myself never had any issue with it - I always knew my limits, outside of high-school where I learned them.

I think any non-addict adult can leave alcohol out of his/her life with absolutely no adverse effects. I am surprised you would even mention the policy as if that were a big deal. It is FAR less of an issue just leaving all alcohol drinking behind, than all the other you mentioned.

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