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Comment Re:Give a discount to those running clean systems. (Score 1) 213

I think you're opening pandora's box by endorsing OS discrimmination. The equation will look like:

OpenBSD Price =
    - 20% discount for no viruses
    + 200% surcharge for probably hosting their own server
    + 200% surcharge for being a smartass to tech support

= 480% of Windows price.

Comment Re:Non-smartphones went out years ago (Score 2, Insightful) 300

Ok, but more importantly Nokias profit are slipping, while Apple now make more profit with their iphone, than Nokia do with ALL their phones.

Profit is the most important measure of how well a company is doing, and Nokia are suffering.

That is why the recently announced that they are going to concentrate more on smartphones. That is where the money is. Of course, they might be too late, just like Microsoft.

N900 might be an amazing phone, technically, but most people don't, and never have cared about that. They care about how nice it is to use. Most people here still don't seem to understand that.

Comment Re:Combo + Security Questions (Score 1) 414

If they do let you create your own questions, a trick I've used was to change the security questions into secondary password fields.

Yuck. I think those sites often store the password recovery answers unencrypted (especially places like banks with phone support) and may have questionable security, so if your previous jobs still use those passwords you're putting them at risk.

Comment Re:Right of free speech + right of association (Score 1) 1070

It'd be awfully hard, especially with the relatively high unemployment we have now in the US, to expect everyone who applies for a job to gain access to a full disclosure of all the political positions of the top executives/big boss etc. so that one could "opt out" of employment by companies with whom you disagree politically. And to quit when they find out later.

Comment Re:Right of free speech + right of association (Score 1) 1070

When truth can be proven there is truth. When falsehood can be proven there is falsehood. Advocacy doesn't enter into it. Black is not white. Obama is a U.S. citizen. Hillary Clinton hasn't murdered anyone. Rush Limbaugh has used illegal drugs. Both Obama and G.W. Bush used illegal drugs before they were President. Those are all objectively true, regardless of advocacy. If you say the opposite, it's a lie regardless of advocacy.

"The health care bill will raise the budget deficit" is a statement that can be defended as at least being in the realm of the possible. "The heath care bill creates death panels that will decide to kill your grandma" is not. If demonstrably false statements are coming from a program claiming to be delivering the news, it's not news, and they should at least be liable for false advertising and at most for libel.

The current bar for political speech is so high that you can make any baseless accusation against anyone in public office with absolutely no repercussions. That's too high.

Comment Re:Welcome to Fascism (Score 1) 1070

From Wikipedia

Fascism, pronounced /fæzm/, is a political ideology that seeks to combine radical and authoritarian nationalism with a corporatist economic system ...

You forgot to make one more step: look up the definition of a "corporatist economic system" on Wikipedia. Let me do it for you:

Corporatism is a system of economic, political, or social organization where corporate groups such as agricultural, business, ethnic, labour, military, patronage, scientific, or religious groups are joined together into a single body in which the different groups are mandated to negotiate with each other to establish policies in the interest of the multiple groups within the body. The word "corporatism" is derived from the Latin word for body, corpus. This meaning is not connected with the contemporary inaccurate and pejorative use of corporatism to describe politics that is dominated by business corporations. Corporatism views society as being alike to an organic body in which each corporate group is viewed as a necessary organ for society to function properly. Corporatism is related to the sociological concept of functionalism. Countries that have corporatist systems typically utilize strong state intervention to direct corporatist policies and to prevent conflict between the groups.

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