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Comment Re: One thing I can say about John Cornyn - (Score 1) 56

I use insults to be insulting. Why else would I use an insult you dolt? I used it to describe her as I see her. I heard it when she spouted that and it meant exactly what she said. Trying to twist it after the fact so it doesn't mean what she said is silly and useless. No one is buying your bullshit. I'm not a fan of many politicians on either side of the aisle but Nancy is in a league of her own.

Comment Re: when? (Score 2) 182

This may be a glib answer but I don't give two shits about 4K HD. I am not enough of a videophile to discern the difference between 720p and 1080p.

Even if I cared about 4K most codecs I've seen fall in the 15 to 30Mbps range. Netflix claims that you need 25Mbps. A 100Mbps connection is certainly ample.

Comment Re:when? (Score 5, Insightful) 182

You're going for the sarcasm, but that's really the only point I see for these mega speed tiers. I do a lot of Android hacking and regularly download ROMs in the 300 to 700 megabyte range. When I had my 10Mbps connection that meant killing 10 or 11 minutes of time while I waited for it to download. Now I can do it in 2 or 3 minutes, which is certainly nice, but it's hardly a fundamental change in the way I use the internet.

I currently have the luxury of mooching off a business class symmetrical connection (30/30) which has completely spoiled me. It's dedicated speed and has more upload than any consumer grade connection I can obtain. When I have to go back to a residential line I will miss that upload more than anything else. I can't match it where I currently live (TWC, 50/5 is the best here) or where I plan on living (Cox, tops out at 150/20 and is totally out of my price range, the most affordable tier is 50/5).

Frankly I'd rather have 10/10 or 20/20 with good contention ratios (i.e., I should be able to count on getting full speed most of the time, barring exigent and/or unforeseen circumstances) than one of these overpriced mega speed tiers that offers shitty upload with massively oversubscribed download.

Comment Re:when? (Score 5, Insightful) 182

The first question that comes to my mind is, "What the fuck is the point of 2 Gbps service for residential customers?" It's marketing department dick waving that serves no purpose. It would seem to me that society (both public and corporate) ought to be looking at the areas that are lucky to get T-1 speeds before it worries about upgrading cities that already have access to double and triple digit Mbps connections. For most people it's all gravy once you get past 10-15Mbps and I'm not aware of any consumer grade gear that can take advantage of 2Gbps.

By the way, where's my fucking IPv6? That would offer more future proofing than upgrading my connection from 100Mbps to 2Gbps. Tell me, what's on the horizon tomorrow that I can't do with my 100Mbps connection?

Comment Re:With REALLY Huge Fans... (Score 2) 280

Aerospace is a huge hole in our plans for a carbon less energy future; you can replace fossil fuels with ships (nuclear) and transit (electric cars and trains) but I haven't seen any technology (real or imagined) that can do the job in aerospace. Short haul trucking is another hole that's going to be hard to fill, long haul can conceivably be replaced with trains but you're still going to need something to move goods from the rail network to their final destination.

Comment Re:No H1-Bs for contractors (Score 1) 636

They also need to evaluate the qualifications stated, have a competent technical person who can determine if the stated qualifications are reasonable, and review the qualifications of the person who eventually gets the job.

Otherwise they do they old "Requires 8 years experience in SQL Server 2014" shuffle. It's an impossible requirement, so no American can claim to "meet the requirements." If you say on your resume you do have 8 years experience in SQL Server 2014 (because it's not that different from previous versions) they reject you for "lying" and say "ugh, see, we really can't find any Americans to fill this position! They're not even honest, lying about their qualifications!" Then they hire the H1-B and ignore the stated requirement.

None of this will ever happen, of course.

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