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Comment Oh, the irony (Score 1) 64

Funny thing about this. Comcast will bend itself over backward to not let you cancel its service. They won't let you cancel any other way than by phone. And whatever reason you give, they will have a script for it. Too expensive? They'll lower your rate back to its introductory price for six months. Unreliable service? No problem, they'll fix it. Not fast enough? They'll give you a menu of speeds they can increase you to, without even rolling a truck to service the property. You're moving to a different state? They probably have coverage there, too, so they can just transfer your account. And if you get frustrated that they're not listening to you and you start raising your voice, they will hang up the call and write down that the customer threatened them. On to the next call.

One of the only ways to cancel Comcast service is to lie to them and say you're moving to a new apartment that provides cable and internet service as part of the lease. This would seem to remove that barrier to Comcast's run-around.

Comment Re:I swear people do things just to do them. (Score 1) 76

Just having access to the internet and a browser seems to make cheating vastly easier. Got a math problem? Plug it into Wolfram Alpha. Got a grammar problem? There are sites for that. Don't know what a word means? Look it up. I don't know how you could keep students from doing these things without multiple test admins constantly prowling the aisles.

Comment Re:(insert map of human shit spots here) (Score 1) 177

Gavin was another in a line of shitty mayors of San Francisco, but as Governor, I really haven't minded him (and have voted for him). Maybe he just needed to pay his dues in an off-brand, thankless municipal office before he could rise to an office where he could actually be effective.

Comment Re:This is a good thing (Score 1) 177

No, he's right. You're pretty safe just walking around, but property crimes are higher now than they have been at other times. You're not going to get mugged or attacked, but your car window might get broken if it looks like you might have valuables inside. If you walk down the street with your eyes on your cell phone, it might get snatched out of your hand. These are all relatively tame things for city dwellers. Ever visit New York City in the 1980s? Totally different scenario.

Comment Re: This is a good thing (Score 1) 177

And, of course, building more housing will reduce the cost of living, which will help with that problem.

That has yet to be proven. Developers have a lot of costs to recoup for those buildings they build. They will undoubtedly charge their tenants "market rate" to get that bag. So that is a real problem ... nobody is going to be interested in moving into all these new units, so long as the cost keeps going up, and up, and up. And I've seen proof of that. I've been on the rooftops of buildings in the evenings, looking across the road at these new, high-rise apartment buildings, and probably only about a quarter of the units have the lights on.

I'm basically only in San Francisco now because of rent control laws. But none of those laws apply to buildings built after 1979. So whatever your housing lease says today, whenever it expires (which is probably no longer than three years from now), the sky's the limit. You'll be priced out in favor of someone willing to pay today's "market rate." So when you're thinking about leasing any of these units, forget about starting a family or anything along those lines. You're a short-term tenant, and you'd better get used to it.

That's the real problem San Francisco needs to solve: What is the use of building new housing when the realities of the market make that housing undesirable to much of the population?

Comment Re:I wonder when we'll drop the notion... (Score 3, Interesting) 95

The point is to prevent "tearing". A lot of effort has been put into solving that problem.

If the pixels were updated in some random or semi-random pattern on the screen it would probably be unnoticeable, but I suspect that either a lot of architectural changes would be needed both in software and hardware, or you would effectively have to achieve a 480Hz full-screen refresh rate to achieve it without doing things like attaching an address to each pixel output so the rendering device didn't need to assume sequential pixels should be drawn sequentially.

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