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Comment Re:Face saving (Score 1) 111

"this person infringed a patent willingly" requires that they haven't just harmed the patent owner, but they've harmed society because they're diminishing the exclusive incentive behind granting that patent

Is this only me who can't get the subtle meaning in this statement. Can this be put in more realistic terms?

Comment Flamebait BBC report (Score 1) 409

It safe to assume that its just another flamebait BBC report not to be taken seriously. While the publisher (S Chand) is certainly of some repute in this country, it isn't known if this textbook has actually been adopted by any school.A textbook cannot be formally adopted by any school unless it gets approved by government institutions in charge of secondary education like NCERT or CBSE. This furore might have made sense if this textbook was being actually taught to kids; which isn't the case here.

Submission + - Jose Mujica: The world's 'poorest' president

red crab writes: "BBC News has carried out an article about Jose Mujica, labelled as the world's poorest president

It's a common grumble that politicians' lifestyles are far removed from those of their electorate. Not so in Uruguay. Meet the president — who lives on a ramshackle farm and gives away most of his pay. Mujica donates about 90% of his monthly salary, equivalent to $12,000 (£7,500), to charity. "This is a matter of freedom. If you don't have many possessions then you don't need to work all your life like a slave to sustain them, and therefore you have more time for yourself," he says."

Comment Re:Don't negotiate with cyber criminals? (Score 1) 303

..The government is powerless or incompetent to protect you're rights...

Even if the government were competent enough, would you really like the government to protect yourself from a DDoS attack? On one hand you would want government not to police or censor the Internet and on the other you want it to protect you from petty cyber criminals?

Comment Re:I do not know why this appear on Slashdot !! (Score 1) 242

but if Amazon cares about the quality of their marketplace, they ought to be careful about letting any random person scrape a community-created document from the internet and publish it as an ebook.

By that definition, every tech book should be treated as non-original work since the information it conveys to the reader is already available freely on the web, though not consolidated as in a book. I think they (Amazon) need to understand that they are just sellers, not publishers and they need to be least concerned about what experience a user might derive after reading a book purchased by them.

Comment Re:Critical Apps on Linux. (Score 1) 249

I too always thought that this "unification" or interoperability within Microsoft products is their biggest advantage; until recently I tried to saddle a Sharepoint application with IIS, SQL server and Active Directory - It was as painful as OpenLDAP, MIT Kerberos and Samba integration I did a couple of years back.

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