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Comment Re:What makes them think this is even possible? (Score 1) 162

Simply give any potential employees the option of a marshmallow now or waiting a period of time to receive two marshmallows. At the very least we should use this procedure to test our police force for poor impulse control.

I'd propose option (c), no marshmallows - at all; I really dislike marshmallows.

Comment Re:What makes them think this is even possible? (Score 1) 162

hings like willpower, dedication, creativity, work ethic, etc... all play
into whether someone is successful at accomplishing tasks. I don't see how a brain scanner is going to
accomplish this or how it would be any better than existing testing methods

In the sense that they've not had a budget request for this type of project before and have demonstrated considerable creativity in coming up with this potentially-everlasting think-of-the-kids style project? Did I win?

Comment Re:ADA?? (Score 1) 61

Investing capital on taking care of those less fortunate is what leads to a prosperous society for all.

In light of this understanding, it does make me wonder why your country doesn't have a National Health Service favoured by many civilized countries.

Contrast this with:

where there's a series of questions to help you determine if you qualify for healthcare :S

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The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once. -- Jane Bryant Quinn
