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Comment Re:Pftt (Score 1) 487

A lot of company aren't cheap asses, but instead like to make the most from their money. Companies that provide support to open source products need to figure out better ways to generate cash. Our shop is heavily open source, but we also pay for software. We put the money we do not spend on things like operating systems into more hardware. The money doesn't "disappear" or go under some rich white guys mattress. It goes into more resources to accomplish the core goal of the company which is to sell a product (which isn't computer related, but the saved money still gets invested into IT).

Here is the secret that Red Hat is missing, and other open source companies are quickly figuring out. And since I dont ever plan on being an owner of a software company, I'll tell the world for free. Turning "open source software" into an "appliance" is where all the real money is going, and is the reason why Apple, a HUGE consumer of open source, is a multi-billion dollar company, and Red Hat is more and more becoming yesterdays news.

Comment Re:The truth about caffeine (Score 1, Flamebait) 506

I am an "American Worker" (as opposed to one of the other pretend social classes), who wakes up at 4am, drives 1 hour to arrive at my job at 5am, and then work till 4pm, to drive home for 5pm. I have a score of network switches, a hundred servers, multiple SAN's and tape libraries, documentation to create and maintain, logs to review, security audits to perform, management to manipulate into doing the right thing, firewall policies to write, implement, test, and further document... and thats just the stuff I havent blanked out. Then when I come home I have a wife to tend to, an adoption process (which thus far has consumed well over 120 hours in just 4 short months, with only 2-3 more months to go), and household chores to complete. Not to mention charity work, distant family to communicate with, and entertain fleeting thoughts of entertainment. Somehow, I am going to have to shove "exercise" back into that schedule, before I die of some work related death sentence. By the end of the day I get between 4-6 hours sleep, before i have to wake up and start doing it again.

I'd never, ever, be able to do it without coffee.

On the weekend I can go without coffee if I can get enough sleep (8-10 hours). Of course, weekends are for getting the non work related things which couldnt be completed during the week.

This is what the gparent meant about caffine addiction being an American problem. To be honest, I wouldnt trade it in for a longer life living in a bankrupt sun belt socialism.

Comment Re:but I don't have rent money..... (Score 1) 9

I'll play the representative from the DailyKOS:

See, people have been convinced that they need to be slaves to corporations, and that we are suppose compete with one another instead of working together. If the super rich didnt horde all the money, there wouldnt be starving people in Africa. The invisible hand of the free market is bull shit because white people have been stealing from all the native peoples around the world since those evil tax evading europeans declared themselves free from the benevolent iron of an efficient and benevolent monarchy.

Ever see Avatar? Thats EXACTLY what life would be like if Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin weren't getting in the way of dear leaders virtuous social, economic and environmental justice plans. See, if you dont understand, go look up the latest Noam Chomsky quotes, disaster predictions from Carl Sagan, or a randomly selected quote out of context from a revered historical conservative (such as the founders).

Seriously. Go work for the man all you want and emit CARBON DIOXIDE and kill the world I'm going back to complaining about all the evils that we still must suffer under George Bush.

Oh, and random anti-Christian insult!

Random DailyKosDot poster

Comment Re:Freedom of speech should be a law ;) (Score 1, Flamebait) 631

How is this "insightful"? Companies have so many different criteria for hiring and retaining employees why is external personal conduct so seemingly extreme? Because a business or government entity has a code of conduct that extends beyond the work place, doesnt make you a "slave" to that company or government entity. Being captured at gun point, put in shackles, and forced to perform some sort of service against your will (the consequences being corporal punishment or death) is slavery. Dont like the job requirements, dont work there.

Comment Re:Freedom of speech should be a law ;) (Score 1, Insightful) 631

The 1st Amendment protects peoples freedom of speech from the Federal government, not from the consequences of private entities in society. You should be able to say whatever you want without the government penalizing you (without causing unjust harm), but that doesnt mean everyone should be forced by the government to have to listen to your stupidity, or be impartial towards you.

Businesses should fire people who are too stupid to understand the impact of their actions on their company. If you work in a business... lets say something in the First Responder, or Public Safety industry... perception and image is extremely important. Public confidence goes a long way in making First Responders life easier, and safer. This can be clearly seen in areas where police are viewed as brutal (no one snitches on crime), where first responders never show up (Flavor Flav's, "9/11 is a joke in your town").

The constitution applies largely to restricting the Federal Government, not private citizens.


Submission + - Scientists Create Artificial Life (

causality writes: "Craig Venter and his team have built the genome of a bacterium from scratch and incorporated it into a cell to make what they call the world's first synthetic life form. Scientists have created the world's first synthetic life form in a landmark experiment that paves the way for designer organisms that are built rather than evolved. The controversial feat, which has occupied 20 scientists for more than 10 years at an estimated cost of $40m, was described by one researcher as "a defining moment in biology". Craig Venter, the pioneering US geneticist behind the experiment, said the achievement heralds the dawn of a new era in which new life is made to benefit humanity, starting with bacteria that churn out biofuels, soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and even manufacture vaccines. However critics, including some religious groups, condemned the work, with one organisation warning that artificial organisms could escape into the wild and cause environmental havoc or be turned into biological weapons. Others said Venter was playing God." A video is also available here and an alternate news source here. What could possibly go wrong?

Submission + - Do Nerds or Geeks Snore? (

An anonymous reader writes: I guess the answer to this would be yes as the snoring epidemic really does not discriminate against age, race, sex or intellect. According to WebMD, there are about 45% of the population that snore and of the 45%, 25 are habitual. This means that if you are a snorer, the odds of it being habitual are not in your favor. If you finally get blessed in getting a girlfriend and she decides she wants to stay the night, what are you to do? Well, whatever you do, do not panic!

First, you should find out the causes and cures of snoring. If you do not succeed in curing yourself then find a device (particularly a small one) that will at least minimize if not stop the sound altogether. This way there will be no embarrassment other than having a mouthpiece in your mouth or a nasal strip across the nose.

Plus, you can look at the bright side... This will be as close as you will get to looking like a jock :).

Comment Re:All comes down to budget (Score 1) 216

I wish I wouldnt have blown all my mod points today or I would have modded you up. Your dead right. Implementing something the wrong way is similar to building a mansion on the sand. Understanding the sheer destructive force of a kludge is what separates the senior engineers (and sysadmins in particular) from the rest. This is why you get a crusty veteran shooting down all your bright ideas without ever really explaining it. Because its a game of chess, kludges lead to checkmates... but only the pro's can see that far ahead.


Submission + - Secret Messages Coded Into DNA Of Venter Bacteria (

kkleiner writes: There are four hidden messages coded into the DNA of the world's first synthetic bacteria that was recently created by the Craig Venter Institute. Hidden within is: an explanation of the coding system used, a URL address for those who crack the code to go visit, a list of 46 authors and contributors, and a series of famous quotes. The presence of these watermarks verifies that M. mycoides JCVI-syn1.0 truly is synthetic and demonstrates the precision and power of JCVI’s new techniques in synthetic biology.

Comment Re:Slashdot manages that every day (Score 1) 332

I can speak for this. I know people who have saved their project over 100,000 dollars in hardware alone (not to mention the associated procurement costs) by networking with other IT people in the hyper-mega-global corporation. Simply put, his small project was beginning to blossom with a limited budget, and they needed a relative small SAN in order to expand. A friend he had made in another department was upgrading to a faster, larger SAN, and selling off the old SAN. Over a cup of coffee the two admins quickly figured out that the old SAN would work perfectly for their needs, and cost a fraction of buying a new, but similar SAN.

I'm sure many stories like this can be exchanged. As parent stated,


Submission + - Two years later, Apple still won't fix Safari hole ( 2

angry tapir writes: "Two years after fixing a security bug in the Windows version of its Safari browser, Apple apparently has decided that Mac users can go without a fix. Apple was initially unimpressed by Nitesh Dhanjani's work developing what's known as a "carpet bomb" attack, the security researcher said in an interview. "I told Apple about it two years ago, and they responded back, saying it was more of an annoyance than anything else." However, after Dhanjani went public with the flaw in May 2008, another security researcher showed how carpet bombing could be combined with another Windows attack to run unauthorized software on a Windows PC. Apple then shipped a fix for Safari on Windows, but not for Safari on Mac OS X."

Comment Limited Government is a slippery slope (Score 1) 4

Rand Paul is 100% correct, and it is important that a society forces its government to play by the rules 100% of the time, for better or for worse. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 crossed the line of what a Bill is allowed to accomplish, and violated the 10th Amendment.

There is no doubt that discrimination is wrong, but if the people wanted discrimination bared in all practices of society there are two ways to do it; 1. Via state legislation (states are free to do what they want within the scope of their own state constitutions) 2. Via constitutional amendments.

You only skirt the constitutional process when society as a whole will not agree to the proposed change. I strongly believe that certain aspects of the Civil rights Act of 1964 could have passed muster for a constitutional amendment.

I strongly believe that skirting constitutional amendments is a deliberate tactic deployed by the Left, in order to further invalidate the safe guards of the constitution. The moment you over turn one institutionalized piece of legislation on a constitutional basis, you open up the chance to undo 100 years of progressive damage to our society.


Submission + - Topi Antelopes Trick Partners Into Mating

Hugh Pickens writes: "Animals use trickery of all sorts in the wild—for instance, some birds fake injuries to lure attackers away from their young but the deception is usually aimed at rivals or threats, not potential mates. Now the NY Times reports that on the wild plains of Kenya a male topi antelope will try to keep females from leaving his territory by pretending that a predator might be in the area. When a female appears to be leaving, the male will run in front of her, freeze in place, stare in the direction that she is going and snort loudly. Typically, that snort means that a predatory lion or cheetah was spotted, but in this case the male is faking it. “He doesn’t look at the female. He takes a rigid stance exactly as if there were a predator there,” says Jakob Bro-Jorgensen who studied the behavior of hundreds of topi antelopes in the Masai Mara National Reserve and observed the males acting this way time after time. Tricking a female into sticking around for a few extra minutes gives the buck more chances for sex and denies other males the opportunity. The female antelope generally retreats back into the male’s territory and although it would seem that they might catch on after a while, getting fooled does not have much of a downside, while ignoring what might be a real warning could be deadly. “It’s too dangerous to take the chance,” says Bro-Jorgensen."

Submission + - Comcast to Launch Social Networking Service (

itwbennett writes: 'People are really passionate about their favorite TV shows, and eager to share that passion with others,' said John McCrea, vice president of marketing at Plaxo, by way of explaining why the world needs a social networking site devoted to television viewing. The Tunerfish service lets users post what they have watching or have watched and 'the trending data makes it easy to see what is rising or falling in popularity amongst your friends right now, in the last 24 hours, or in the last seven days,' McCrea said.

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