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Comment Re:EA got too greedy (as usual) (Score 1) 256

Yeah, don't. I have Cities XL 2012 which is the exact same game as 2011. And the reviews are that XXL is the exact same game again... The engine crawls and there are a bunch of functional issues. That being said, the size and complexity is welcome. I think there was a lot of potential, but it is killed by a bad engine and a bad interface. Sim City 4 is a great game. My only gripes are autosaving would be nice due to crashing issues and I miss being able to randomly generate terrain... The idea of rigid regions isn't my cup of tea.

Comment Re:EA got too greedy (as usual) (Score 1) 256

I was also shocked at the names of the two different games from two different publishers. That being said, I don't think Cities XL is that terrible of a game. It's just more of a hardcore simulator with some crappy game elements tacked on top. It is plagued by being overly complex and running like shit. But the sheer size and scope of the game is what the next Sim City SHOULD have been. Combine the depth and scale of Cities XL with the fun and usable interface of Sim City and it would have been epic.

Heck I would be happy with a stable version of Sim City 4 without the stupid regions and just standalone cities that can have randomly generated terrain.

Comment Re: Idea (Score 1) 98

Most states are still "employment at will" which means they either party can terminate the employment at any time for any non-protected reason. Yeah it sucks when you get fired, but you still want to be able to quit for any reason don't you? This is being said by someone who was fired for a bullshit trumped up "safety violation" to avoid getting severance pay.

Comment Re:Best money Tom Steyer ever spent (Score 1) 437

Why is it that everyone claims Somalia is even remotely Libertarian? Anarchist Paradise would even be a stretch. The closest thing to Libertarianism in the world is Hong Kong if anything. Especially pre-China return to ownership. I'm not claiming Hong Kong is Libertarian, but in the current world, it's the closest thing. A small government that allows a maximum of economic and personal freedom. Singapore would probably be close behind, but they are not so hot on the personal freedom side of things.

Somalia being Libertarian is a bullshit strawman by people who think Libertarians want no government and no laws. That is simply incorrect.

Comment Typical Estimating (Score 1) 347

If you need an estimate real bad, you'll get a real bad estimate.

The real problem with "time writing" is that people end up lying on the reports to meet goals or metrics and then the estimates created from that data are useless. Managers want both though. They want accurate estimates AND time tracking that meets productivity goals. Sadly their productivity goals would require robots to meet...

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