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Comment Re:I have Cancer (Score 1) 214

Do you have any "life todo list"?
I wish you luck and strength if you still want to get some important things done before the end.
3 friends died this year, and it reminded me of the importance of some things that I might have forgotten otherwise.

Comment Re:NetworkManager (Score 1) 164

Here's a command you can use to get all those commands :
bash -c "compgen -c | grep ^[A-Z] | sort"

On my system, I get :
ControlPanel, GET, GMT, HEAD, Mail, MAKEDEV, ModemManager, NetworkManager, POST, R, Rscript, VBoxBalloonCtrl, VBoxClient, VBoxControl, VBoxHeadless, VBoxManage, VBoxSDL, VBoxService, VirtualBox, X, Xephyr, Xorg

Comment Re:Since this has turned into a textbook bitchfest (Score 1) 170

I'd never actually been taught trig, and was trying to learn it independently for both Statics and Calc II.

I tried to learn trigonometry by heart for a long time, and it never worked.
I would try to learn this : http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu... and could not remember anything with 100% certainty.
Is it cos(a)cos(b)-sin(a)sin(b) or cos(a)cos(b)+sin(a)sin(b), or maybe cos(a)sin(b)+sin(a)cos(b)?
Anyway, the best way for me was to remember the one formula to rule them all (Euler's):
e**ix = cos(x)+i*sin(x)

Using complex addition, multiplication and e**(i*n*x)=(e**(i*x))**n, I can find all the formulas from the cheat sheet easily.
It's less error-prone than learning by heart, and it's much more fun because I understand it and can check it with simple geometry.

Comment Re:Glad I Didn't Build an Application Around That (Score 1) 75

I'm not sure I understood what you want to do.
Do you just want to display your 3D path?
If so, gnuplot or matplotlib would do.
If you want more information and more interactivity, just use SketchUp.
You can write a small Ruby script to display one path for each skydiver, geolocate the model and display a map on the ground.

Comment Re:Sadly,... (Score 2) 180

I totally agree with you for the reasons why rape is so common in India.
But there's no need to be a white-knight do-gooder to realize that (at least in Europe), many prostitutes aren't so happy about their job, and that many are there because of the mafia.
I never tried prostitution for this reason. Give me a "fair-trade pussy" label and I'd be happy to try it.

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