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Comment Re:NetworkManager (Score 1) 164

Here's a command you can use to get all those commands :
bash -c "compgen -c | grep ^[A-Z] | sort"

On my system, I get :
ControlPanel, GET, GMT, HEAD, Mail, MAKEDEV, ModemManager, NetworkManager, POST, R, Rscript, VBoxBalloonCtrl, VBoxClient, VBoxControl, VBoxHeadless, VBoxManage, VBoxSDL, VBoxService, VirtualBox, X, Xephyr, Xorg

Comment Re:Since this has turned into a textbook bitchfest (Score 1) 170

I'd never actually been taught trig, and was trying to learn it independently for both Statics and Calc II.

I tried to learn trigonometry by heart for a long time, and it never worked.
I would try to learn this : and could not remember anything with 100% certainty.
Is it cos(a)cos(b)-sin(a)sin(b) or cos(a)cos(b)+sin(a)sin(b), or maybe cos(a)sin(b)+sin(a)cos(b)?
Anyway, the best way for me was to remember the one formula to rule them all (Euler's):
e**ix = cos(x)+i*sin(x)

Using complex addition, multiplication and e**(i*n*x)=(e**(i*x))**n, I can find all the formulas from the cheat sheet easily.
It's less error-prone than learning by heart, and it's much more fun because I understand it and can check it with simple geometry.

Comment Re:Glad I Didn't Build an Application Around That (Score 1) 75

I'm not sure I understood what you want to do.
Do you just want to display your 3D path?
If so, gnuplot or matplotlib would do.
If you want more information and more interactivity, just use SketchUp.
You can write a small Ruby script to display one path for each skydiver, geolocate the model and display a map on the ground.

Comment Re:Sadly,... (Score 2) 180

I totally agree with you for the reasons why rape is so common in India.
But there's no need to be a white-knight do-gooder to realize that (at least in Europe), many prostitutes aren't so happy about their job, and that many are there because of the mafia.
I never tried prostitution for this reason. Give me a "fair-trade pussy" label and I'd be happy to try it.

Comment Re:Some people never learn. (Score 0) 329

Normal people have something like 100-120% debts/assets

And here comes my WTF again.
I consider myself a normal person, and I have 0% debt/asset ratio.
I want to sleep well at night, I might be out of job next year, and I really don't like having debts.
People having way too much debt was a big part of the 2008 crisis.

Comment Some people never learn. (Score 2) 329

"I'm already at peace with the idea that I'm going to go bankrupt," said Larry Ionescu, who owns 98 Chicago taxi medallions.

WTF? Either he doesn't really own 100 medallions (and his bank does), or he considers having "only" 30 M$ the same as being bankrupt.

He reminds of a scene from "The Queen of Versailles" ( Some 50 year old lady was complaining that last year "she owned 10 multi-million-dollar houses", and that now, she hasn't anything left.

Comment Re:help me understand (Score 1) 51

I suppose prime sextuplets are mostly just cool, because they're primes, and close to each other.
Who knows, they might have applications in cryptography, image compression or whatever.
It is possible that there are an infinite number of twin primes, but only a finite number of triplets/quadruplet/sextuplet.
This currency could be a way to find the biggest sextuplet, ONCE AND FOR ALL!

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