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Comment Re:This just illustrates (Score 1) 365

It has made long-term economic sense for at least ten years.
Sure, if you're waiting for short-term economic sense, you'll run into big trouble and the energy trap (http://physics.ucsd.edu/do-the-math/2011/10/the-energy-trap/). You'll need to invest oil and money during a few years in order to use less oil and money. Guess what? You'll have neither time, nor money nor energy, nor probably political stability. Your option isn't one.

And please tell me more about France selling PSG (Paris soccer cub), Le Louvre; Spain selling Barca and Germany selling BMW and Mercedes to Qatar not "making anyone poorer".

Comment Re:Aperture-specific plugins... (Score 5, Insightful) 214

What about RAW support for new cameras?
Every Aperture user will have to change after X months.
I'm lucky to be a Lightroom user, but I'd be really pissed if I had to change the software I use and love every day since 2007.
It would be like having to learn and use Emacs after 10 years of vim.

Comment Re:This just illustrates (Score 0) 365

You, sir, are an idiot.
High energy prices in the future are a sure thing.
You have exactly two options :
* sit on your ass, don't change anything and give more money everyday to Russia, Saudi Arabia & Qatar. Those countries love this option, because one day, USA & Europe will be broke, won't have gas to heat their houses in winter or oil to power their cars, tanks or fighter jets. Then they can nicely invade Ukraine or go all Djihad on our ass.
* pay a bit more taxes, complain that some free loaders and greedy politicians get too much of it, but let your country invest in infrastructure that will help you and your people face peak oil and global warming. Yes, you'll pay more for energy (at first), but the price evolution is clearer than without taxes and it helps you reduce your energy demands.
Now tell me, which option is the way to go for "human misery"?

Comment Mensan here (Score 1) 561

I thought I was special until I realised there are 140 000 000 potential mensans on earth.
And the fact that I'm pretty good at guessing which dice should come after a serie of 4 other dice doesn't tell much about myself, and surely shouldn't be taken as a genius indicator.
Anyway, I went to two Mensa meetings : I met some assholes and some nice guys, just like I would at the pub across the street.

Comment Re:bad headline - most of Germany's power not elec (Score 1) 461

electric is unpopular because it's becoming outrageously expensive.

It's still cheaper per kWh than oil, which itself is outrageously cheap (taking into account global warming and dependency to rogue states).
What's unpopular is when people notice that they use too much electricity and have to choose between nukes and coal powerplants.

Comment Re:Raw lemon (Score 1) 448

True, I suppose you'll have to believe me on this one.
I work with ZSW regularly and one member explained me the situation while drinking coffee.
ZSW contacted Raw Lemon a few months ago, and (AFAIK) are still waiting for an answer. They wanted to give Raw Lemon some time before making a public statement or going to court.
Anyway, I also work at a solar research center, and my bullshit detector almost exploded when reading "produce electricity from moonlight" and "concentrate diffuse radiation". And I'd rather trust a renowned german research center than an architect looking for a quick buck.
BTW, I'm not saying that their small chargers don't work, just that they surely don't work at night, and aren't particularly efficient at concentrating direct sunlight.

Comment Re:Raw lemon (Score 1) 448

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
They should prove that they can "produce electricity from moonlight" and "concentrate diffuse radiation" before they write it everywhere on their website.
They actually tried to prove it and contacted http://www.zsw-bw.de/en/starts....
This is well respected German solar research center, and its answer was "raw lemon is utter bullshit, you cannot concentrate diffuse radiation, and surely not with this design".
Raw lemon now writes "Certified by ZSW" everywhere, and ZSW isn't happy about that.

Comment Re:Yes, let's tax the poor (Score 1) 619

12 cents are actually nothing compared to what will come eventually.
Ever heard of peak oil? Oil is still much too cheap, and any incentive to invest in non-fossil fuels is a good incentive.
I'd rather give 1$ to my government than 0.01$ to Qatar or Saudi Arabia.
At least with taxes, you have a slight chance of seeing your money again instead of sponsoring sharia states.

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