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Comment Re:Peak oil? (Score 1) 213

The primitive coal to liquids technology they used was very inefficient tech consuming way more energy of coal than it produced jet fuel (highly negative EROEI).

You're right. But then you're back to problem 1 on the list : extreme climate change.
We have too much oil/coal/gas (see climate change) but not enough oil/gas (see oil peak).

Comment Re:Peak oil? (Score 5, Insightful) 213

+5 Insightful?
No :
-5 for bullshit, willful ignorance and not reading the article you link to :

However, economists later showed that Ehrlich would have won in the majority of 10-year periods over the last century,[2][3] and if the wager was extended by 30 years to 2011, he would have won on four out of the five metals.[3]

You might want to take a look at this article about the energy trap : http://physics.ucsd.edu/do-the...
You're talking about extraction price, you should talk about the energy return on investment : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E...
Once it costs more energy to retrieve oil than to leave it in the ground, we'll have a big problem, and that hasn't been mentioned one bit by TFA.

Comment Re:Java is not written like other languages (Score 1) 411

I'm a Ruby programmer, but had to begin working on a Java project last year.
As a Vim user, I was just horrified at the amount of "Bar bar = foo.getBar();" I had to write by hand.
I began to use Eclipse (with Vrapper) and suddenly everything was less painful.
When I code Ruby with Vim now, I'm surprised when I change a method and don't see red markers appear in my code.

Comment Re:What happened? (Score 4, Insightful) 422

The current crop of phone cameras are certainly still inferior to dedicated cameras, but they're good enough for most people most of the time and thats what matters.
Most people won't carry a camera with them at all times, but they do carry a phone and its good enough for occasional shots. A lot of those images are going to end up posted online at significantly lower resolution than even a phone camera can manage anyway, and they will be viewed on tiny screens.
Aside from the convenience of being always in your pocket, phones have the added convenience of connectivity so you can upload your pictures immediately.

Proper cameras will always be a niche for those who enjoy photography or do it for a living, but for the vast majority of people a phone camera is all they will ever need.

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