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Comment Diet causes change in those microbes (Score 5, Informative) 297

The microbs thrive in different environments. I went from a standard american diet to something more high fat low simple carbs diet with lots of fermented foods. Not only did I lose a bunch of weight but most digestive, allergy, and skin problems went away as well. I think there was something about the microbial environment that a high sugar diet caused that was giving me trouble.

Comment Re:Manufacutring isn't the problem in the US. (Score 2) 16

You refute your own argument. If you don't want to go to jail you need to hire a team of lawyers that are experts in FDA regulations to determine if what you want to create is exempt and which regulations you do need to comply with. Then you need an auditing team to make sure that you are properly complying with the regulations you do need to meet.

That is the problem with these types of regulations. You need an expert to even know if you need to follow them.

Comment If I were running a Space Company.. (Score 1) 594

I would make sure that each person who is risking their life on flights makes a video stating that they acknowledge the risks involved and the reasons they choose to accept them. Also let them say that in the event of their death they want the technical problem investigated, fixed and for the program to continue. That would be the best ammunition against idiots like this.

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