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Comment Antioxident myths (Score 1) 117

Antioxidents are an interesting idea. A whole industry has built up around their healthy properties. However, it transpired that the only evidence of their efficacy was adding various compounds to cells in a petri dish. There was no evidence any of this actually worked when swallowed and ingested. Some further research was done recently and could find no evidence that taking these products actually had any affect at all on reducing your chances of getting cancer. For citation purposes, check and Ben Goldacre's work.

Comment Re:Commercial Flop? (Score 1) 178

Yes and no. As a product, it sold way, way more than they expected. It was a sort of pet internal project no-one really thought would fly. However, when it did...

Later on, when it came to the PS2 range, I remember going to an IBM presentation. They were trying to get the same software running on everything from the PS2 PCs to mainframe with unified architecture for programming, GUI etc. Trouble was, the actual machines were too far removed from what was by then a booming and standardised architecture so outside of corporates who bought into the dream, not many people went for it and it died out.

Comment Re: Momentum (Score 1) 123

but how did they "do" things without encountering Windows Explorer?

Probably same way as sqrt's aquaintence. They'd open Word and use the file/open dialog to look around the filesystem.

How did they manage not using that or even clicking on it by accident.

No idea. They didn't seem to use the Start Button much for anything.

But doesn't that require them to not run IE maximized and drag the address bar to the desktop?

No, they use file/send to/desktop as a shortcut.

You have made my head explode

You should worry, I was their go-to person for IT queries and it's really hard hiding the 'WTF?' face when dealing with such people.

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