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Comment Re:Yay to the abolition of lithium slavery! (Score 1) 133

Weight is a primary issue in mobile scenarios. It's why you don't see EVs based on Lead Acid. They'd be literal tanks on wheels.

The 12v is lead acid for the reasons you state. It's tough as nails needed for the operating environment. It's also only a few dozen pounds so in the 1% of vehicle weight territory. So it's 'features' vastly outweigh it's weight issues.

But you won't see any EVs with primary batteries of lead acid, expressly because of the weight.

Comment Re:the cost of hauling free gas away (Score 1) 50

It isn't magic, there's significant expense involved in building the infrastructure to handle, transport, store, etc.

Market forces don't dictate things are used, only that they are used when it's viable for profit.

Hell *gasoline* was considered waste from oil production for a long time before ICEs made use of it.

Comment Re:If it is burned then it is not vented. (Score 2) 50

The point is the unenclosed burn pipes can be monitored and determine by heat relatively how much is being burned via the satellites.

By enclosing the burn, we lose that heat source of truth. So now, they could *not* burn it and just flare it while claiming they are burning it.

That means we don't know how much is or isn't being released other than the honor system...which many of them aren't.

Comment Re:Oh (Score 1) 50

You can't stop one and not the other from the same well. the methane is part of the oil extracted and not all rigs are designed to capture it.

Burning it is safer (so you don't have a combustible gas around) and better (or less bad really) than releasing it since methane is something like 80x more of a greenhouse gas than the CO2 from burning it.

Likewise, storing a flammable gas...when you're already working with a combustible product, elevates the risks. Yes we'd be better to capture and get some use out of it instead of just burning it off, but just not feasible on many rigs.

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