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Comment Re:whoosh! (Score 1) 315

There are many (classes of) languages.
Natural languages are unpriced, they drop into jargon, e.g. if you write a cooking recipe: "100g carrots, chopped", not a correct sentence, grammatically correct, but perfect cooking jargon.

Then there are programing languages, some simple ones, and more complex ones called "turing complete".

Then there are plenty of languages that describe something completely different, like web pages (HTML) or books (TeX) ... OTOH I would not wonder if TeX is indeed turing complete ...

Anyway, as long as you can not perform a calculation in HTML, XML, CSS or whatever you pick: t is not a programming language.

still it's *semantics*'s all machines following code pounded by a monkey And? The firing sequence in your cars engine is a programming language because a (computer) machine is pounding it out?

Comment How to improve productivity on a Mac (Score 1) 38

Learn to use the search function cmd-space. You can launch everything from there and can do simple stuff directly in the search field like 145 * 75 * 0.19 to calculate VAT for a bill.
Learn about the shortcuts.
Consider digging into AppleScript and/or automator.
E.g I have a nice script that allows me to create an appointment/event in a google calendar (which I access via webcal with the iCal application) by clicking on a date in a web site.
Learn to use the .... the unix shell.

Comment Re:expert skill-based integration (Score 1) 160

Honestly, perhaps you should write a book about it.

Can't judge how much you write here actually happened, but you write it in a nice style ... you have the hand for it.

And regarding hitting guys with chairs etc. I suggest you stop that habit ... only in movies the chair breaks on the head of the victim. Usually the head breaks :D

However as long as you have fun, why not, luckily in my country street fights like this don't happen since WWII

Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

Hm ...
Still don't get your point.
Well except that you are an idiot.

If you cut off the male penis, what then? Can a male reproduce? Sure it can, he still has his balls ...

Can he have sexual intercourse? No he can't, as he lacks the member.

The female clitoris is no more a sexual organ than is the male foreskin. So without foreskin you /a male can no longer achieve orgasm? But without a clitoris you still can? Wow, I guess you soon get a Nobel price in medicine.

Regarding the rest of your post. I did not say, or imply anything of the things you claim I did.

Perhaps you clicked answer to the wrong person, three posts back?

As an example: However, we casually accept male genital mutilation (sorry, "circumcision") as great. I never said or implied that. I clarified, that in christian circles "circumcision" does not happen for religious reasons. You claim in the west, in Christianity, it would be common. I pointed out: that is wrong. The only country I'm aware of is the USA where 'ordinary' males get circumcised ... for medical reasons, it is claimed it reduces female womb cancer chance by 90% if males are circumcised (papiloma virus, and other "dirt" brought into the womb due sex).

Actually I never saw a male who was circumcised, and unlike in other countries we go naked into the Sauna, and after Basketball games or training the team showers together, naked. Not like in the USA where people after Karate training take on their business clothes and shower at home (how retarded).

So your claim that "Christians do circumcise their children due to religious reasons like all Abrahamic religions, is wrong.

I never indicated in any way that it is fine for me, or that I have any opinion about it anyway. YOU brought up this topic 3 posts back. As I said above: you perhaps clicked reply to the wrong person.

Comment Re:"Intelligence" is not earned. (Score 1) 160

That is normal, after all roughly every 15 years your whole body is completely replaced by new cells. Don't remember if it is 10 or 15 or 20, likely easy to google :) Without practicing the nervous system 'regrows' to optimize what you are doing right now, which seems not to include your 'old art'.
So obviously the nervous system loses its 'specialization' for your old art, so are the muscles and the brain.

Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

Your point about it not being a religious thing is a fucking stupid point.
No it is not, and the one who is constantly insulting because he is unable to conduct a civilized discussion, is you!
FGM is associated with many varieties of Islam, not least because many varieties of Islam
That is simply wrong. FGM is forbidden in nearly every country, either by law or by islamic law. So obviously it has nothing to do with Islam, especially if you would remember that the religion was founded somewhere around 500 AD and the FGM practices go beyond 2000 AD.
So it simply CAN'T BE an islamic tradition as the origins predate Islam by minimum 2500 years ...

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