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Comment Re:Just y'know... reconnect them spinal nerves (Score 1) 210

I don't disagree, but human testing usually only follows after successful animal testing. So, even a paralytic, isn't do "no harm" if we don't know whether we can actually do this or not. Once we know it can be done, well then, a paralytic would seem to be the one to benefit most. But, until then, we would just be experimenting on handicapped human beings for the sake of gaining research knowledge. Most medical ethicists would say that is unethical.

Comment Re:Just y'know... reconnect them spinal nerves (Score 1) 210

I do think they could practice on paralysed people first - after all, if they can't reconnect severed spinal cord nerves in someone whose spinal cord is roughly still in place, what hope do they have for merging 2 different spinal cords?

And that would be because paralyzed people are less human or less valuable? How about practicing and perfecting it on rats first, then higher animals?

Comment Re:Too much. (Score 4, Insightful) 210

Sitting in front of an electrical box that sends out signals to billions of people everyday is also against the "laws of nature."

Please live up to your own lame excuse for why this shouldn't be and stop sitting in front of that box.

Actually, computers and the internet, etc. do follow the laws of nature, quite well. Technically speaking, everything we do follows the law of nature, otherwise it would be miraculous. That said, it still doesn't address the morality of the issue.

Comment Re:Hard to believe (Score 3, Interesting) 166

Microsoft is a very different company than they were under Gates or the Sweat-hog. They long ago figured out that their cash cows were kind of fragile, and they more recently figured out that they alienated a lot of developers. They are now trying to find ways to woo developers to any of their product families, not just to Windows. And they've done some great work on a lot of software engineering fronts, including secure development, powerful tools, integrations, and are even dabbling in open source,

Comment Air conditioning (Score 1) 374

I seems to me that a good "break even" point for solar would be air-conditioning/cooling. The need for cooling is directly comparable to the heat of the day,which is fairly closely tied to sunlight. AC is also a pretty big source of grid drain and/or larger power bills in the summer months.

If one could make an efficient solar AC system that would fit on most homes, that would be a fairly saleable product IMHO.

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