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Comment What? (Score 1) 34

Seriously, what?

Ok, could someone please explain to me whether I'm just living under a rock and am the only one who never heard about this new hip and trendy product, or whether this is just a very weak attempt to astroturf for yet another AI crap nobody gives a fuck about to pretend it's relevant.

Comment Re: Rules for thee but not for me (Score 1, Insightful) 41

"This is the taboo question that no none is allowed to ask, because everyone already knows the answer, and the answer is not the evil racist white man."

In fact that often IS the answer. Nations were destroyed with colonialism, and racism was literally invented to excuse it. Many have also been deliberately suppressed since through various foul means including sanctions, backing coups, and outright assassination. That answer is the real taboo, especially if you ask the governments responsible.

Comment Re:Rules for thee but not for me (Score 1) 41

All the more reason to make sure the money is being spent properly.

For the record, as an American taxpayer I have no problems funding clean energy projects in developing nations. Fossil energy may be cheap for now but it creates both environmental and socioeconomic disasters that are extremely difficult to fix. We have the technology to avoid making the same mistake, let's use it.

Comment Re:Rules for thee but not for me (Score 3, Insightful) 41

> Why, when no first world nation does the same?

Because first world nations are spending their own money. These nations are not; They are soliciting funds from others, and the lenders would like to know where the money is going.

Regardless of the bullshit you clearly believe about how these projects are funded domestically, this ask seems entirely reasonable.

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