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Comment A problem in search of a solution (Score 1) 90

iPads, and tablets more broadly, have always been a solution in search of a problem.

About the only thing I think they really do well, and better than either a phone or a tablet, is consuming video media. That's all they've ever been used for in my house, at any rate - by everyone in the house.

Almost everything else they can do, phones and laptops do better, and have always done better. They had a niche for a while due to battery life when paired with a bluetooth keyboard, but not so much anymore.

If they'd duplicate the Fujitsu Toughbook reversible laptop hinge from years ago, or one like it, so a Macbook could also be a tablet, I can't think of a single reason why you'd ever want to use a tablet.

But I guess Apple would lose out on a high profit margin gadget sale.

Comment Repo (Score 1) 10

I had some problem with a gitlab-ce install some months back where an update failed to install and then new updates filled the disk with the apt cache on it.

I used their docs to clear the problem and get current but there was nothing inherently wrong, just an upgrade error.

This may have preceded the security patch; if it's a common problem people who thought they were OK with automatic updates might be in for quite a surprise.

I am glad gitlab exists but goodness it's up to about 20GB for a half dozen very small text-only repos.

Comment Re:No Posts (Score 1) 88

Keyword searches and logical menu hierarchies are not mutually exclusive. You don't have to make menu navigation worse so you can search.

That entirely depends on if the manager of the programmer can walk and chew bubble gum at the same time. Hyper focus leads to great specific results but absolutely terrible general results.

Comment Re:Formative (Score 1) 103

My first computer was a ZX Spectrum, and I did a lot of programming in its BASIC.

My first computer was a TI 994/A. I wrote a primitive Pac Man game with one ghost in it. It took all 4k of RAM to hold and run. Saving and loading it via audio cassette.

It also somewhat negatively affected my thought processes. Pointers were MUCH harder than they needed to be after my experience with BASIC.

Comment Re:Hey, Google... (Score 1) 97

Here's a question: when was the last time Abbott crowed about any employer being fined or even jailed for hiring illegals?

Is this a trick question? The answer is never. The reason is that he would lose support (and likely friends) if he prosecuted any of them. The more of a ruckus he creates about "illegal aliens", the cheaper the labor gets. That is why there is a ruckus at all. They want slavery back so very badly.

Comment Re:Hey, Google... (Score 1) 97

How about you train-up some American talent? Go to high schools, like the car makers used to, pick the most talented / gifted / hardworking students, and see if you can make something of them?

Training them is someone else's job. Let someone else pay to find out if the person can be useful or not. India has people pre-made for companies like Google so of course they will get their employees from there. It is a global market of (but not for) labor.

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