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Comment Re:I wish it had been dismissed on the merits (Score 1) 126

Too bad it was just a procedural dismissal due to wrong venue and not due to the merits of the case.

United said such ticketing schemes violate its fare rules. For one thing, the tickets capture seats that will go unused, and an airline would have no way to sell those unused seats

Well, actually, they already *have* sold those seats -- to the person that bought the ticket and decided not to use the rest of it. But it's not true that they have no way to sell those seats -- if the flight is overbooked or full, then they'll fill the unused seat with a bumped or standby passenger.

Do you really want to encourage them to overbook and bump more people?!

Comment Also it seems to me it might be necessary (Score 1) 105

I guess it depends on who you believe, but there have been climate scientists that have said we are beyond the tipping point, that even if we reduce emissions warming will happen. Ok well if that's true, and if it is true that the warming will be a net harmful thing, then some kind of geo engineering would be necessary. You can't very well say "Reducing CO2 won't fix the problem, but let's do as much of that as we can and only do that and then cry about the problem!"

Comment Re:"X, but on a phone" (Score 1) 60

There have been recent (good) rulings that saying "X, but on a computer" is not a valid patent. I hope that lower courts say that this is just "X, but on a mobile computer" so we don't have to have an explicit ruling also blocking "X, but on a phone".

On another note, I wonder if it would be worth having some crowd-funded anti-patent-troll fund. I know the EFF takes the fight when able, but that's usually after smaller companies/individuals have caved and paid the extortion fee. If there was a fund that would take the patent-holder to court and pay out any ruling against the defendant, should the patent be deemed baseless (any patent, not just electronics), that would hopefully halt the trolls far earlier in the process and dissuade others.

Not really... Contrary to popular wisdom (and Subby's attempt to call a 500 person company a small shoe store), patent trolls almost never go after individuals, because individuals don't have any money. Unlike copyright infringement with the $150k per work, there are no statutory damages in patents, and damages aren't even 100% of profits - they're limited to a reasonable royalty. If even a small patent lawsuit costs $200-500k, and you can expect to get 5% royalties, you aren't going to sue someone with less than $4M in annual revenue... And in reality, try closer to $1M to run a small patent lawsuit and royalties closer to 2-3%. So, now you're talking $50M in revenue to be a real target.

So, the real question is can you crowdfund $2-5 million to defend companies with tens of millions in annual revenue? It's like you're asking David to donate to protect Goliath.

Comment "Small time" shoe seller? (Score 2) 60

From the linked article:

Shoes for Crews, which makes skid-proof soles for workers who toil on slippery surfaces, has sold millions of pairs of shoes to workers at McDonald’s, KFC, Taco Bell, P.F. Chang’s, Ruth’s Chris Steak House and other restaurant chains. The company says its secret formula makes the stickiest soles on the market, but Shoes for Crews refuses to file for a patent, fearing the process would reveal valuable clues to rivals

Not really a small shoe store as Subby implied, but rather, a manufacturer and wholesaler which, according to LinkedIn, has between 200-500 employees. So, it's more like "patent troll sues multi-million dollar company", but that doesn't really get as much sympathy.

Comment Re:Vice Versa (Score 1) 56

Thank you for straightening me out on the length of patents.

My objection still stands on the grounds that John Cornyn and Chuck Schumer can only be up to no good. Both are bought and paid for by people who don't care a whit for encouraging innovation or improving the IP laws for the benefit of consumers.

Absolutely. I should've been more clear that I was only objecting to the length part. :)

Comment Re:Vice Versa (Score 2) 56

Does anyone else care to bet that any bill coming out of the Senate to curb "patent trolls" is going to end up extending patents even longer and basically making the patent system even worse?

Guaranteed they don't get longer. Patent term hasn't been extended since 1861*. Unlike copyright, where you've got big copyright owners with tons of money lobbying on one side vs. poor pirates on the other, and BMG and Sony have no interest in using each others' copyrighted works, in patents, everyone may want longer term for their own stuff, but shorter term for their competitors'. So, like if Microsoft started lobbying for longer patent term, Apple and Google would lobby against them. And vice versa.

*It did go from 17 years from issue to 20 years from filing, to comply with an international treaty, but it took about 3 years from filing to get issued, so there wasn't any real change. It's actually arguably shorter now, because there aren't submarine patents that can last decades.

Comment Re:Overly-wide interpretations (Score 1) 56

The biggest problem appears to be allowing wide interpretations of patents and ignoring what would be obviousness in the eyes of most practitioners. Here are some suggestions:

1) A jury-like panel of practitioners to judge obviousness.

2) Spell out that merely emulating common physical actions or behaviors should not be patentable, only specific algorithms of such emulation.

3) Reject the mere combining of existing ideas unless the combining is judged non-obvious (#1).

4) Limiting the percentage of revenue a medium or large company can receive from patent royalties.

5) An independent quality review board to make sure approved patents are not overly broad. They'd randomly sample patents.

These are good suggestions... Such that many of them are already implemented:
1) Before applications are allowed, they're judged by the Examiner and the Examiner's Supervisor (and, in the case of lower tier Examiners, also a Primary Examiner). It's a small jury, but still is one.
2) That's currently the rule - if something has been done before, it can't be patented. So, Apple's slide to unlock patent can't just claim "sliding to unlock" or "emulating a bathroom door-style sliding lock". Instead, it claims the algorithm that doesn't have a real-world analog.
3) This was actually the result of KSR v. Teleflex several years ago. The Supreme Court said that if you claim A+B+C and different prior art teaches A, B, and C separately, the combination is obvious by definition, unless there's some explicit reason why it's impossible to combine the art.
5) The USPTO does random quality checks before patents get issued - they randomly select some allowed applications and a panel of senior examiners in the relevant technology review the prosecution and examination history. If it's good, they get allowed. If it's bad, they get rejected and the original examiner gets sent for more training.

The real new suggestion is #4, but I don't think that would be constitutional, since you're making a rule that essentially seizes revenue from a company from a legal source, yet because of that source. That could present some 5th Amendment issues.

Comment No shit (Score 1) 253

If the problem is that the Argentine currency is unstable... well then Bitcoin is the WRONG answer. It is exceedingly unstable, it would be unstable even for a stock, never mind a currency, it moves like a thinly traded penny stock. So trying to use it for some kind of stability is just about the dumbest thing you can do.

To me, this seems like more Bitvertisement by which ever of Slashdot's editors is heavily invested in them and trying to drum up interest.

Comment Re:The real question here (Score 1) 185

Why wouldn't real-time stats on what people on the internet are talking about be worth some major buckage?

You just blew my mind. I was one of those thinking why twitter was valued so high, what kind of value is in "poop tweets" or "breakfast tweets", but it's also "I saw this ad, or a friend told me about this product" It's like instant market research.

Comment Re:Inflation, slow Internet, skill, slow PC (Score 1) 239

For someone whose game preferences are not dominated by PS4 exclusives or PC exclusives, how does this build compare technically to the PS4?

It doesn't. It's probably midway between a PS3 and PS4. Its like my computer, the base configuration was no match for the PS3, upgraded it's better but no match for the PS4.

I first added in a GT220, and eventually upgraded the thing to a quad core 2.8GHz Phenom II, 4GB of RAM (it's the max it can handle) and a GT640 rev2.

Basically, it can play Fallout 3 slightly better than the PS3 (main difference is resolution/detail/lighting, VATS is slightly smoother on the PS3 and sound is slightly better on the PS3), but can't play War Thunder as well as the PS4. Now if I was to put a GT970 in it, then it would be somewhat more competitive with the PS4....but that alone is over $300....and I have a PS4. All my PC needs to do is handle my generic computing tasks, and Second Life. (which is pretty much the ONLY reason I have a GT640 in it). If it wasn't for SL, I could make do with less, in fact I probably wouldn't have upgraded the CPU, power supply and GPU.

Comment Re:W/o OUYA, would the consoles have been as open? (Score 1, Interesting) 123

Would the console makers be as open to indies as they are today if OUYA had never shipped?

They were reasonably open to indies BEFORE Ouya shipped, though they are more so today.

This provision caused problems for Robert Pelloni's company when he wanted to bring Bob's Game to Nintendo DS because the company was operating out of an office in Pelloni's home.

Bob Pelloni's company was just HIM. Aint no way Nintendo was going to give him a license or dev kit when he was basically every stereotype of a "wanna be game developer with SERIOUS Aspergers" His disability was just that severe. Now you may feel a kinship with him because of that disability, but don't. Really...don't. He's no role model for you, and you should go out of your way to be NOTHING like him in any way.

That 100 day lock-in of his? It's NOT the sort of thing done by an adult with a job who wants to be taken seriously. Bob Pellonishould be living in a supervised group home....that's how disabled he is.

Comment Re:Regulation for Taxation (Score 1) 193

You'll notice it varies year to year, so if you check out the numbers for Texas in the bottom tabble ....they've had some VERY bad years. They're doing better than they did in the past, you're right on that.

And I do have an inherent bias. While my bias isn't quite as bad as this:

I do believe the south's been bringing the rest of the country down practically since the founding of the country. The north has had to drag the south along kicking and screaming into each new century, it's getting rather tiresome. And the South considers itself "better" and "more real american", and is full of braggadocio that the actual numbers don't support.

And now we got neo-conservative neo-confederate wannabes lobbying up north and saying how Illinois or Iowa needs to basically turn themselves into Alabama or Mississippi clones with "right-to-work" and other anti-union measures and defunding social services and infrastructure improvements to "compete"

So yes, I loathe the "Southernization" of American politics. The South is the last place one should take socio-economic cues from. And yes I loathed the nomination of Bill Clinton during the "We have to nominate a conservative southern democrat to compete with the South-centric Republicans" period.

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