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Comment Re:I'm surprised we aren't hearing more from the b (Score 1) 562

Don't be surprised. I assure you that Billy Badass CEO has all of his communications suitably encrypted, and if he's ever charged with a crime, the authorities will probably 'lose' the device with data needing decryption and say they don't have any evidence to hold him. No, the target for this is the little guy. The people in power are always protected and excused from having to comply with those pesky laws foisted upon hoi polloi.

Comment Re:No, it isn't. (Score 1) 222

Hmm... She's managed to gain the trust and support of enough people to get into the position she's in.

One could say the same about Carly Fiorina. That didn't stop her from destroying HP. It doesn't logically follow that, just because someone is hired for a certain position, s/he is actually deserving of or qualified for said position.

Comment Re:Let's Just Be Honest (Score 1) 343

I agree with everything except the telecommuting bullet-point (with which I am in *qualified* disagreement. My qualification is that working from home should be OK, but only on company-issued hardware, with the restrictions you listed (e.g., disabled USB ports) and I would add the use of something like a Sonicwall connected downstream from your home ISP's gateway.

Comment Re:So perhaps /. will finally fix its shit (Score 1) 396

How about the fact that some analyst over at the NSA may take note of the fact that you might like to read articles critical of said three-letter agency and make a note to flag it for future analysis? By knowing what kinds of articles you like to read on Slash, various intelligence and law-enforcement agencies can compile a lot of blackmail material if you were ever to prove a nuisance down the line.

Comment IT pros absolutely *should* get overtime pay (Score 1) 545

In fact, only people at the very top of the income distribution should be exempt from overtime pay -- think A-list actors and professional athletes. The vast majority of workers should be paid overtime. *cue bullshit libertarian arguments about how this abrogates free-market capitalism*

Comment End rush hour! (Score 1) 454

Hopefully the phase-in of autonomous vehicles will bring about an end to rush-hour. It's a ridiculous misallocation of resources to have major arteries clogged maybe four hours of the day and underutilised the remaining 20. And all because most businesses cling tenaciously to anachronistic 8a-5p 'business hours' in many parts of the Western world. Flextime and telecommuting should be the rule. The whole convention of set business hours is about nothing more than the PTB controlling the lives of the unwashed masses.

Comment Re:So in other words . . . (Score 1) 46

Agreed. And the fact that IE12 will have a new extension engine finally puts it at feature parity with Chrome and Firefox. Microsoft is getting back in the game, and Apple seems to be coming out with ho-hum, me-too tweaks of existing products rather than anything truly new. Stuff happens in cycles. That's what keeps things exciting.

Comment Re:SSE2 and NX (Score 1) 215

Who on earth would be trying to run a modern release of Windows on pre-2003 hardware, anyway? Stuff of that vintage is only useful for historical curiosity, or at best running a stripped-down Linux distro. Given that CPU's that old had a horrible power/performance ratio, it would be cheaper in the long-run to spend the couple hundred bucks on newer equipment.

Comment Hierarchy as correlated to division of labour (Score 1) 254

Hierarchy goes hand-in-hand with specialisation of roles in a society. Even in a hunter-gatherer society, the more physically endowed were hunters whilst the frailer members of the band gathered or engaged in child-care; even in pre-agricultural times, larger groups certainly had various factions even if they viewed other factions as peers. As agriculture took hold and a warrior caste developed, the more physically-armed members of society (or those were were under the protection of such) could keep the rabble down via the threat of violence.

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