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Comment Re:Good job Intel (Score 2, Informative) 73

If you think your local bar doesn't have cameras and audio recording covering most, if not all, of its premises, you're delusional.

Lawsuits, vandalism, and outright theft are too prevalent for any business owner not to take it seriously, and get everything recorded they can for later evidence, if needed. Heck several of the bars I go to, have cameras setup all over that stream constantly to the internet.

Understand this. If you are in public... YOU ARE IN PUBLIC. You have no reasonable expectation of privacy sitting in a booth or on a barstool. Your intimate conversation, business deal, or random chit chat is being overheard by everyone around you. Oh, and that guy wearing Google Glass? Yeah, he doesn't care about you and what you say or do any more than the other folks around, unless it's really juicy and worth immediately posting to YouTube, along with the other 5-10 people who will whip out their camera phones as soon as they notice you're making an idiot of yourself in public. Glass wearers either don't record 24/7, only turning on recording when something interesting is happening (just like everyone with their cell phones), or if they do record constantly, I can assure you they don't go back and re-watch all the boring minutia over again.

Comment Re:Sexist? (Score 1) 125

Would you like to be a woman in a world like this? Where you need a man to "save" you from another man?

Of course not, that's why he's probably violently homophobic as well.

And I'm sure that he very secretly wishes he would be hit on by persistent females frequently, so he can't imagine why a woman would object to what would be his greatest fantasy.

Comment Re:Do not use algorithms ! (Score 2) 55

The trouble is budgets and manpower.

If you know you don't have the resources to save everything, you have to have some way of prioritizing.

Personally, I would rather save one or two pieces from as many different authors as possible, rather than trying to get everything of the "most important" authors.

Comment Re:Sounds wasteful and stupid ... (Score 4, Interesting) 61

How about having your can opener/coffee maker/etc. with a battery to wirelessly charge and not have to have cords all across your counters? How about LED under counter lights that don't need cords, or electric plugs?

I can think of a dozen good uses for this. Now whether it's worth the end cost is a debatable subject.

Ideally, the charge transmitter and charge receiver should have a built in short range communications path, and the transmitter would only turn on when it received a request, and then would turn off once the receiver indicated it was full.

Comment Re:This isn't scaremongering. (Score 1) 494

Exactly. Technically they are correct, because, with no current independent Scotland, there are, of course, no Scottish banks. However, it is absurd to think that the new Scottish government, once it is formed, wouldn't have a set of well structured banking laws ready to be implemented as part of the initial implementation vote. There will also be a long line of financial interests ready to instantly start banking in a new Scotland, as soon as their chartering papers can be signed by the new bureaucracy.

The Vote No group's arguments about Scottish financial ruin are equivalent to them arguing that the streets are going to be in chaos the day after the vote, because there will be no legal speed limits, stop signs, or traffic control. The Vote No campaign is mostly financed by the existing oligarchs who are afraid they wont be fast enough and agile enough to become one of the new oligarchs.

Also, as far as movement across boundaries and access to markets, that is all part of what setting up a new government is all about, and it gets handled before formal independence and the coverage of the U.K. legal structure goes away.

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