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Comment boredom++ (Score 1) 153

Only about 25 years ago. We'd had the family computer (Amstrad CPC6128, a gift from my Grandad) for a year and I was bored of all the games. The manual had a big chapter on BASIC, so I decided to make my own game. It was an absolutely rubbish game, but everyone has to start somewhere.

Comment Re:I'm curious what a FPS with "Maturity" is (Score 1) 167

The original name is Greek. Petitio principii is a translation of the Greek into medieval Latin; given that most of the few people who learn Latin today learn the classical form, its use is an invitation to misunderstand. The English phrase circular reasoning, which you also use, avoids that problem.

Comment Re:Why Google? (Score 1) 370

Google isn't *publishing* information, it's just indexing information (web page) already available elsewhere (on 3rd-party webservers).

But the law isn't about publishing information, it's about processing information, and that is defined to include storing it. The meat of the ruling is that the fact that someone else has a good reason to process information isn't per se a good reason for you to process it.

Comment Re:A good sign (Score 2) 177

If you have one software shop doing everything from embedded to client-side web then you need a bit more than 3 languages, but most places specialise to some extent. And even if the company isn't specialised, its individual teams or studios often will be.

Comment Re:de Raadt (Score 2) 304

Clearly the person who wrote the RFC understood that answering a heartbeat request with a size different than its payload was a potential problem since the behavior was specified.

The person who wrote the RFC also wrote the buggy code, so it may not be quite so clear.

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