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Comment What IDE are you using? (Score 2) 430

I ask because in the last 5 years I've been using various flavours of Eclipse and Visual Studio and both of them come with document formatting features that you can template.

The only thing I ask people if they plan on formatting a document during a change is to do it either before or after their change so I can review the differences more easily in source control revision history.

Oh and to answer the question, yes, I've found if the team can adhere to vaguely common style they can navigate their way through our entire codebase without getting lost in one individual's style preference.

Obviously YMMV in this regard.

Comment Fantastic fun but needed a SAVE feature (Score 2) 79

I love Mega Man games, have since I was 12, one of things I liked was being able to pick up the action later using the password system (in future versions, there was a memory card / save)

In this game there's no save, which is frustrating.

I know you can probably sit down and finish it in one go but saving is a must, especially when the app is a little unstable.

Comment Re:Remember the day you learned... (Score 1) 40

Absolutely, that was the first thing my mom showed me on the Commodore 64 almost 30 years ago, everything changed that day.

FIve years later I had a simple CarisWorks database for my hockey cards and comic books, five years after that I was in college getting excited about polymorphism and multi-threading.

I think for the right kid getting their hands on this stuff early changes how they think about and use technology and may lead to some unique career options in the future.

Comment Personality (Score 1) 101

One of the things I liked about the late 90s / early 2000s Slashdot was it seemed more personal, there would be articles about interesting stuff with the added benefit of the editor actually having a real interest in the subject and maybe geeking out a bit about it.

Obviously there seems to be a lot more stories posted now than back then so maybe not as intimate as before but still, it has always been the people that make Slashdot something I like to read, be they editors or comment authors.

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