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Comment Re:Ignores how disks often fail (Score 1) 258

The spare platter strategy does nothing to reduce this failure mode. In fact, all modern disks already have spare space for bad block relocation.

Including pretty much everything with an onboard controller. "Modern" is understating the case.

If I were expecting an array to last a long time without being touched, I would expect it to have a whole bunch of spares that never even got heated up until they were needed, just sat there in the box enjoying living in a relatively temperature-constant environment. Sure, there's fluctuations, but they'll all be within the operating temperature range of the drives.

Submission + - Telomere-Lengthening Procedure Turns Clock Back Years in Human Cells ( 2

Zothecula writes: Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have developed a new procedure to increase the length of human telomeres. This increases the number of times cells are able to divide, essentially making the cells many years younger. This not only has useful applications for laboratory work, but may point the way to treating various age-related disorders – or even muscular dystrophy.

Comment Because you can get the pin thru social engineerin (Score 1) 378

US card can be more or less copied at will and have no security whatsoever. In which case you can copy the card, leaving the user thinking he still has it and will not report it stolen, and using pads, or social engineering or plain peeking, get the pin. results : since there is no encryption chip and the card can be copied, the ONLY security is the pin. With encrypted chip the additional security is the encrypted chip is far harder to copy.

Just a guess.

Comment Re:Reasons why I don't like the Internet of Things (Score 1) 252

A cellphone phone is a thing and it's usually connected to the internet. An internet of things no less.

I'm pretty sure that you know that these "things" are things which have a purpose other than being a computer, which a cellphone doesn't. (POTS being obsolete today, though still useful)

Comment Re:What's more irritating? (Score 1) 252

As if "the internet of things" is somehow more special than the idea that as the tech gets cheaper, more and more things will connect to wireless networks.

Yes, the idea is that this time has come. It hasn't, but believing that it has will usher it in as the increased demand produces the parts we need to actually do the thing. In the meantime a lot of startups will rise and asplode.

Comment Oi (Score 1) 228

I was saying that it makes a lot of sense for Facebook not to allow pictures of Mohammad in Turkey. Just like they don't allow boobies in the USA.

It doesn't "make sense", it simply retards social progress by keeping neurotics from considering the darker corners of their own thought processes. I mean, seriously. "Boobies bad"? That's just... pitiful. I am perfectly ready to describe anyone who isn't pleased by the sight of a nice pair of boobies in any neutral, humorous, peaceful, appreciative or loving context as a broken human being. One for whom I have sympathy and pity, but in no way does this engender any urge to force the world into a form that serves to insulate them from the toxic processes of their own twisted psyches.

As for drawing Mohammad, your assertion that there is no purpose but offense is wrong out of the gate. Art is one reason, political commentary is another, historical illustration is another, simple choice is another, and yes, offense is one but that doesn't make it an invalid use.

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