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Comment Re:Do it Germany (Score 1) 337

No what you are doing is standing up for the morally correct thing, and the freedom of people to not be persecuted for telling the truth about something.

The governments of most civilised countries usually take action to defend the rights and freedom of journalists and other whistle blowers in countries like China and North Korea that are persecuted by that government for exposing the truth about widespread systemic abuse of citizens. Its very arrogant of Americans to expect the US should be treated any differently when they also get caught doing the same thing.

Comment Re:Why not link this to cruise control (Score 2) 287

>> Adaptive cruise control will drive at whatever speed it needs to drive at based on the distance to the cars in front and behind.

Not quite at least on my car (2008 Jag). Adaptive cruise has a max speed setting and a min distance setting. If the car in front suddenly speeds up my car will only speed up to the cruise speed you have already set. It helps to think of adaptive cruise more like an automatic slow up/brake than an automatic speed up/keep-up.

Comment Re:Bad track record (Score 1) 299

>> Even letting nature do its thing doesn't guarantee a perfect outcome.

Well It got us from pretty much nothingness to where the whole universe including the earth and us is now.

I agree that its not perfect but it still pretty amazing and definitely seems a lot better than we humans could manage if we were in charge.

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