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Comment Re:Quick question (Score 4, Funny) 255

Other than superficial UI bullshit, does Windows 10 have any features? Was there any kernel development? If so, what was produced?

Yes, they've now added an "Ex" suffix to every system call. You now have to specify an average of 17 flag constants each with a name that averages of 30 upper-case characters, as well as initialize and provide "long pointers" to an average of five large C structures for each request you make to the OS.

Comment Re:Is he in the right? (Score 2) 1197

Gizmodo had an article a while back on this topic.

Is It OK to Shoot Down Your Neighbor's Drone?

Basically, under the law, the drone is the same as a full-fledged aircraft. Now, the other side of the equation is that you only own ~100 feet above your property. If it was flying higher, then it is legal.

If it was lower, then it's a different story. In any event, the most prudent course is to call the cops - anything else would just be an overkill, and even if you were in the right, it's just a pain.

You could probably still be subjected to civil suits and what not.

Comment Why just online? (Score 1) 318

I'd like to delete everything about my prior-to-18 life, including yearbook photos I didn't want taken in the first place.

Instead of removing stuff from the internet, how about giving people a new identity when they come of age?
Let them pick a new name, issue a new drivers license/id card, SS number, etc.

Comment Re:Sounds like he was arrested for shooting. (Score 1) 1197

In general anything that creates a hazard for bystanders would be a bad idea. So even if there isn't a specific ordinance against shooting bows-and-arrows in the city limits, I'm sure the authorities would take a dim view of your clout shooting into your neighbors' yards.

What there should be is a legally mandated remote radio kill switch anyone can trigger that will cause the drone to land, or in the case of the more sophisticated models to return to base. If the switch worked within say a 50' radius it'd pretty much only work on drones buzzing your residence.

Comment Re:Right to Privacy in One's Backyard? (Score 4, Insightful) 1197

Bullets? Yes. Shotgun pellets? I doubt that's ever happened. They're too light and they spread too far. They're supposed to be shot in the air.

There's a risk of falling drone debris (which would be on him, as it was above him when he shot it, and I would assume he'd have told his kids to get out of the way), but there's zero chance of danger to anyone from the shotgun discharge.

Comment Re:Translation ... (Score 1) 66

because they didn't think MPEG-LA's pool charged enough

Of course it didn't charge enough! Why join a patent pool and get some tiny fraction of some fraction of revenue, when you can just sue directly and demand 5% of the revenue from the source?

The Sewing Machine Patent Combine worked because there were three patent holders. When there are 3000 patent holders, all of them want their 5% and the system breaks down completely.

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