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Comment Re:Actually... (Score 1) 123

Suppose the activation potential of a neuron is a quantum mechanical quantity that is probability driven (we know the light sensors in the eye are, sometimes a single photon can activate them). Your computer can't model that to arbitrary precision, the probability density function is continuous, analog, not discrete.

Comment Re:1960s??!! You are so funny (Score 1) 141

Yes there was some direct observational evidence, the predicted nuclei being present in the sun for both the hydrogen to helium and O-C-N. You are speaking of refinement of the model and gathering of more evidence. I was just miffed by someone saying "known since the 1960s", that's in my lifetime and I know for fact my grandfather was a kid when fusion known, in 1920 Eddington had the gist of what happens in the Sun: hydrogen to helium with 0.7% of energy converted to energy.

Comment Re:Ketosis (Score 1) 281

Yeah like that health nut Dr. Walford who claimed he was going to live to be 150 on calorie restricted diet. Well, he sure avoided any chance of cardio disease when he flopped over dead at slightly less than average lifespan for US citizen. ah well, it's the thought that counts

Comment Re:Pandora's Seed (Score 1) 281

That's complete rubbish, civilization has extended lifespan. The groups mentioned in the slashdot summary have one thing in common, average lifespan well below average of first world citizen.

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