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Comment Re:Commerce as speech (Score 1) 172

Given that money can be considered speech, the fact she is reducing the price so much is, itself, transformative. No other alteration to the work was necessary: the price difference alone speaks volumes.

That is a good point......and it truly communicates more than the Richard Prince's 'transformation'

Comment Re:This could never happen with global warming... (Score 1) 260

As I originally stated, you claimed that someone else's opinion was wrong. Yet the opinion was never expressed by someone else, only imagined by you. This is the very definition of a straw man argument.

Nah. It was attacking a supporting argument to his spoken point.

That is, there is no consensus at all that global warming needs to be 'solved' or even how to 'solve' it if it does need to be solved. There's no consensus that it's a problem, which was implicit in that guy's response.

His point was that science journalists and scientists never could be fooled by similar claims, but they already post silly claims all the time related to AGW, like this one by a scientist, which was widely reported before being debunked by other scientists (and soon by time as well).

Comment Re:This could never happen with global warming... (Score 1) 260

Anyone who argues against things that people didn't say is wasting their own time. You are one of those people.

That is true, I am wasting my time, since you don't even understand what you are saying, you think there is a consensus, but you don't know what that consensus is.

If you understood what there is consensus on, then you would be more interesting to talk to. Instead you're just ignorant to talk to.

Comment Re:Lots of highly paid folks (Score 1) 124

Put another way: if you get a degree in computer science, or you are self-taught using common resources, you probably have a skill set that reflects that reflects the bare minimum that a company will accept and you have a skill set that the market is flooded with.

If you have a CS degree from a decent university, you're competing with entry-level grads who just barely took an eight-week-course in programming from some coding bootcamp.

Somehow those guys manage to find jobs, and a CS degree is already more skilled than them.

Comment Re:This could never happen with global warming... (Score -1) 260

Of the scientists who have expressed an opinion on AGW 97.2% endorse the consensus. only .7% reject it.

The consensus isn't what you think it is. That is, if you ask scientists, "should we do everything possible to stop global warming now" or "will global warming cause millions of deaths in the next century," you will not get anywhere near 97%.

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