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Comment Re:When Robots Replace Workers? (Score 1) 628

I never dreamed that in my lifetime I would see the day when people believe that eliminating the need to be a slave to somebody is a bad thing.

Well, this is where you are wrong, as someone said, "the worst financial mistake you can make is to believe you are working for someone else." Sure, I need to work to provide myself income, but that's much much different than slavery.

We are definitely living in a sadomasochist world.

The world was created that way. It's the natural state of things. We eat other animals, and they eat us if they can.

Comment Re:I like your world (Score 1) 628

Yeah. Out of all the ideas that came out of the banking crisis, there is only one that I wanted implemented (and suggested by Paul Volcker): "Any bank that is too big to fail is too big to exist. If a bank needs money from the government (and the only reason it would is because failing to give it money would ruin the economy), then it should be shut down or broken up and sold off in pieces."

Elizabeth Warren talks bad about banks, but her actions (supporting Dodd Frank, for example, which ensures banks will get a bailout in the future) are the opposite. If she really is against Wall Street, then lets hear her say that banks will be broken up if they get government money.

Comment Re:Status still important in Voyage From Yesteryea (Score 1) 628

. Projects there self-organized on the basis of individuals deferring to each other based on specific competences -- not sure what the would have made of the recent "systemd" controversy?

So that's a good point, the open source is the closest to post-scarcity communism that the world has ever seen.

Still, I don't think 'competency' is enough of a measurement (although I wouldn't mind getting a competent president). A person can be highly competent at something that people don't value. How would that situation be handled?

Comment Re:The actual solution (Score 3, Interesting) 628

Is of course to do away with money.

How will you divide resources? How will you deal with the fact that some people will value some resources, and other people will value others? How will you deal with the fact that not everyone can have exactly the same stuff, no matter how hard you try? (some people are going to live closer to the railroad station, others farther).

Comment Re:I deny that San Francisco underwater by 2010 (Score 1) 719

A few months ago, there was an "OMG Global Warming!" story here on Slashdot that reported atmospheric CO2 levels rising more than expected - based on measuring CO2 on a friggin a volcano!

If you're talking about the Keeling Curve, it is known to be accurate, based on similar measurements taken all around the world.

Comment Re:Denying Catastrophism, not Science (Score 1) 719

No credible scientists is predicting the end of the world. Nor have the ever done so

Well yes, actually they have. Here's one saying that the oceans will boil off. Quote: "that's it for all the species on this planet." That's James Hansen, one of the leading climate scientists in the world.

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