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Comment Re:Here's a better idea (Score 1) 678

There's bigger problems than that with what he's proposing here, like the fact that Oregon is between Washington and California.

Oregon doesn't like massive pipelines of stuff spanning their state - they don't even like the pipelines if they get a piece of the action, such as the proposed LNG terminal on the coast.

Better file this under "Good Luck With that."

Comment Re:DoE loan... (Score 1) 118

Yeah, because the government absolutely did not get paid back the principle, did not get the interest on the loan, and absolutely is not collecting further taxes from the company, it's sales, it's employee salaries, or it's investments.

Or, they did get all of those things, and everyone is better off - including the so-called struggling average Joes.

This is actually a case of "corporate welfare" where it worked.

Comment Re:And Microsoft 'saved' Apple... (Score 2) 118

Everyone seems to forget that Apple had a smoking gun in the $1B+ QuickTime vs. Windows Media lawsuit, and one of the conditions of Gates and Jobs making a deal was cross-licensing all patents.

THAT is what Gates wanted. Jobs needed the cash to keep Apple afloat (which he got far more of by liquidating Apple's holdings in ARM after killing Newton), but also needed the legal squabbles to go away and needed a reason for people to continue buying Mac, and Office was that reason.

One of the reasons NeXT never went anywhere is because Microsoft refused to write Office for NeXTSTEP. Jobs learned from that.

Comment Re:Good for him and the world. (Score 2) 118

Most of the industrial hydrogen available is created by extracting it from hydrocarbons.

So you can either refine the oil into gasoline / petrol / diesel, or you can extract the hydrogen from it and burn that. Either way, you still are pumping oil from the ground, and still dealing with the carbon waste.

If we were cracking hydrogen from water at industrial scale, then there might be something to hydrogen-based transportation; but that takes energy on a scale of nuclear reactors and apparently nobody is interested in doing that.

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