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Comment Re:So then no public funded internet? (Score 1) 148

No, this just means that local municipalities cannot attach an excise tax to internet service, like they do for telephone service.

Governments are free to spend tax dollars on building networks and providing access, within applicable legal frameworks.

Example - City X cannot attach a 5% excise tax onto your cable modem service in order to pay for sewer repairs.

Comment Re:Double standards (Score 3, Interesting) 533

Here's something that will deflate your entire argument: most conservatives don't claim to be open and inclusive - you set up that straw man and knocked the hell out of it. Liberals do, and then bash anyone with different ideas or beliefs as neo-conservative warmongering science-denying ultra-fascist teahadists.

It's perfectly possible to be open to ideas from both sides of the spectrum. In fact, it's where the majority of the electorate is because no particular philosophy has a monopoly on good ideas. It's called being a moderate. You might have heard of it.

Comment Re:iOS Management Tools for non-macs (Score 1) 126

Have you tried actually routing mDNS? Those tools work just fine across subnets, as they are direct IP - it's just an AFP share for Time Machine and a standard CUPS print server. What it sounds like isn't working is Bonjour service discovery (mDNS), which uses multicast.

Comment Re:iOS Management Tools for non-macs (Score 3, Informative) 126

It's a good thing that there is plenty of MDM solutions that fully support everything you want to do without having to ever touch a Mac then, isn't it? The only thing that requires a Mac is the iPhone Config Utility, and a Mac Mini fixes that nicely. And, now with touchless device enrollment, you probably don't even need that anymore.

OS X Server is not required for management of iOS devices, and in fact only makes sense if you are a Mac shop and using Profile Manager to manage your OS X boxes. Otherwise, look at the many other solutions available that can also manage Android and WinMo in order to not lock yourself to a platform any more than necessary.

Comment Re:PowerPC worked out for Apple ... (Score 1) 126

Apple was loyal to IBM. It was IBM that didn't give a crap about making low power designs, which is why we never saw a PowerBook G5. IBM forced Apple to move to Intel, or to stop selling laptops.

And PowerPC has seen it's fair share of design wins, including use in a lot of networking gear; to say nothing of IBM's successful P-series of UNIX servers.

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