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Comment Re:NSA would have loved this ! (Score 1) 88

Right, I don't see much risk here, and probably loads of to gain in terms of replacing old DSA keys. The only place where I see something like this complicating things in terms of security is now the key store might be changing without user awareness so if you are doing something like having the key store monitored with tripwire or the like you might have an issue.

I suspect people who are going to those kind of lengths probably parse the change logs to security central items like openssh pretty carefully before updating and have the knowledge to develop appropriate solutions to cope with the change, even if that means a patch to reverse the behavior. I am not worried, I think this will make most folks better off.

Comment Re:Pot meet Kettel (Score 2) 111

The real question is how are multiple headers interpreted for the tracking code. Is the first UID header the verizon one or the last? What if my client inserts a random one before and after every other header etc. Sure if its the NSA or whatever than you're the guy whose got the UID header that changes with each request or the guy with multiple headers etc. Even if lots of people do it a weak PRNG used to generate those headers and $AGENCY might still be able to identify you.

Advertisers though I am going to guess not so much. Hell half of them are probably used web application frameworks that don't even make explicit commitments to ordering of headers in the collection their high level code is interfacing with.

The other thing is the system was/is designed for 1 person : 1 uid header mapping. If enough people start changing UID headers that are a per request nonce that is going to be lots and lots of entities in the key space. Just ask the big data guys how much memory and storage can get burned just on keys; hint its a lot. Might be able to make the entire system fall over if enough people participate.

Comment Re:Thanks NSA and others (Score -1, Offtopic) 127

Yep, By allowing our government to get so large and violate or principles of freedom we have forever lost trust, and you can't have an economy without trust.

The "deep state" has just killed our golden goose. Which might be the kind of thing that wakes up the public enough to vote for some heads of state that might actually route out these vipers. In the mean time say bye bye to real economic growth.

If there is any it will be in the industries of yesterday like oil & gas, and basic bread stuffs for export. More and more will turn their backs on American Hi-tech.

Comment Re:So, what's the practical concern of this? (Score 2) 78

That was my first thought too. There is an obvious privacy, implication. Maybe in some really contorted situation you could induce someone to do something dangerous like convince a diabetic they have done a whole ton of walking this morning and therefore should eat more sugar than normal and similar attacks.

I think the big issue is the potential to use this as a vector to introduce malware to the phone or PC the owner interfaces the device with. Not sure how practical that is.

Comment Re:What do you mean by tolerance? (Score 1) 228

Facebook is entitled to do whatever they want. I understand that. There is an issue of State here, the Turkish State, requiring Facebook to filter and or creating at least the implied thread they will be blocked if they do not filter.

I think FB ought to stand up for our idea of civil society where the state is not allowed to censor. If Facebook though it was best for the business to censor images of the profit, they would do it everywhere, because doing so offends Muslims everywhere; and I'd be fine with it.

As a fellow citizen I'd rather see FB say hey fuck you Turkey, we are US based website your rules don't apply to us; either block us or don't.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 3, Interesting) 228

Facebook could do something pincipled though. They could setup all kinds of proxies make encryption easy. Provide tools for evading filters etc. All things that would be perfectly legal here. They could flaunt the law in Turkey and just keep their people out of Turkey. Mark could consider his name on their most wanted heretics list or whatever to be a badge of honer.

Naturally if FB was effective and underground scene in some of these freedom hating nations they would not be able to make much add revenue from business there though.

It really is a pretty black and white issue, you think censorship is okay or your think its never okay. Only the ideas some would seek to censor are the ones that ever needed protection in the first place.

Comment Re:Censorship should not be tolerated. (Score 1) 228

The freedom to offend must be held absolutely sacrosanct.

I don't understand how the censors don't seem to get that. Freedom of speech was established specifically so the mechanisms of state could not be used to suppress dissent and ideas. Nobody has ever need a protected right to express opinions (or facts) which are popular, non controversial, and inoffensive. When was the last time these people heard of someone being tortured to death for the principled commit to the idea "Water is wet."? Never.

Free speech is all about the right to offend and dissent. If some topics are taboo than you haven't got any freedom at all. Because for the most part anything worth saying is going to offend someone somewhere somehow. Its really an all or nothing deal.


Comment Will this even work (Score 1) 228

All the issues of free expression and if Facebook is or is not advancing the human condition by enabling Turks to communicate, vs likely being banned by refusing to filter on principle of free expression; does this even help.

I am not an expert on Islamic culture but I thought the prohibition was of depicting the "profit". Wont FB basically have to just ban the name Mohammad, which would offend lots of people. Otherwise what stops someone from posting a steaming cow pie, and tagging it "Mohammad the profit"? Is that not depicting the "profit" as a heap of shit? Is it an less offensive anyway?

Comment Re:So what next? (Score 1) 94

If they can pay 5 mil a year and it costs 10 mil to fix the issues, then I'll take the fine every time.

I don't even the likes of Verizon would act that way. I know short term profits are everything but so are anticipated future earnings, if the cost of fixing the problem was only equal to a few years of fines, they'd fix that rather than putting the anticipated futures fines in their SEC filings.

Now if it was going to be like 10 years or more before the fines exceeded the cost to fix it, than they might just decided to pay the fines as if they are a just another tax.

Comment License plates (Score 1) 468

I think we should drop license plate requirements. I mean seriously driving around with a big personal identifier on my vehicle puts the lives of me and my family at risk. It makes it trivial for stalkers to track me. They can tell what place of business I am at just by observing my car is in the lot.

Some information is public. It just is the cops are all to happy to argue you have not fourth amendment protection against them setting up cameras all over town with OCR to recognize plates and compiling a big database that essentially knows where you are at all times. That's no problem I mean anyone can see your vehicle out in public view right and anyone could compile such information? sure..

As soon as the public does something remotely similar, but decidedly less intrusive in that it does not track specific cops. OMG its a problem won't somebody please think of these brave officers we are putting at risk!

Fuck that! If I have to be watched all the time so do they!

Comment Regulation what a fucking joke (Score 1, Insightful) 339

Regulation IS the problem. Had we done the principled thing and let AIG and Goldman burn when the time came it would have taken lots of big finance with it. There would have been plenty of churn as far as just who the 1% are. I would even guess some of them would have been left with less than nothing.

Oh but they would still have all kinds of physical property and hard assets. Yes but assets sometimes have a funny way of turning into liabilities when you don't have the case flow to manage them properly. Just imagine if you can't pay your home owners policy on your Mansion you can still get sued when someone breaks their leg while trespassing.

These guys are where they are entirely because of governments and regulation. Income inequality is greater than what existed in the gilded age! These levels of inequality are made possible by regulation and free market impediments, not for lack of them.

Comment Re:If all goes well. . . (Score 4, Insightful) 228

The biggest problem with home automation is 'life happens', eventually you want to put things into a state that was never originally anticipated.

Maybe the computer thinks, windows are open = turn off HVAC, or switch to fan only etc. Trouble is grandma stopped by and burned her Christmas cookies, smells terrible in the house, you want the windows open but you want to also leave the heat on, so you don't freeze.

Now you have to go override some "smart" system some where. It all ends up being just as much work as turning things on and off by hand was in the first place.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 673

No the entire argument is silly. I could just as easily suggest drug test makes sense in fast food because who knows, someone with a drug addled mind might thing its a good idea to wipe the grill down with drain cleaner before cooking my burger.

No business have the right to do whatever they like and require whatever they want as conditions of employment, but they should not be encouraged to reach into the private lives of employees. Drug testing is intrusive, and costly. Requiring it should be a quick way to make sure your company isn't on any of those 'best places to work lists'

What companies should do is simply check their employees arrive for work in state they can do it effectively and safely in. At your fast food restaurant if the Assistant Manager can't be arsed to walk around and make sure workers don't appear to be to 'high' to do their jobs properly you got bigger problems than anything a drug test is going to uncover.

Someplace like Disney has tonnes of pre-open check lists and radio check-ins etc. If lower management can't spot operator that shows up to work drugged out than once again drug tests are not the answer. I have seen guys come it work with fevers before from flu and back fork lifts into other employees etc. Drug tests don't screen for flu. There is no substitute for a quick 'hello' and occasional walk arounds for employees who operate hazardous equipment or work in conditions that may be dangerous to them or others. Does matter if its a roller coaster or fryer filled with scalding oil! It also does not matter if said employee was 'tripping balls' 7 hours ago, it matters they are sober while on the job!

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