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Comment Re:I dropped Dropbox (Score 1) 76

. If you are simply storing and sharing files with a select few then Google drive gives you 15 GB which is a huge amount of storage in comparison

Unfortunately, a big part of the objection to Rice is the fear of DB becoming even more hostile to the concept of user privacy. Extra space aside, google isn't a particularly viable alternative.

Comment Re:I don't think he means that literally/absolutel (Score 1) 581

I find the implication that coal miners are somehow too dumb to learn anything else mildly offensive.

Where, exactly, was that implied, outside of a few AC d-bags that you're not posting a reply to? The point is that Zuck's a dipshit, and his Patrick Starr "problem solving"("Take all the miners, and teach them to code") is imbecilic.

Comment Re:There are right-of-center comedians (Score 4, Informative) 193

Nah, Dennis miller is a conservative former comedian. Back when he was still doing comedy, it was pretty centrist, with the social aspect leaning a bit to the left.

After 9/11 made him shit his pants, he started being conservative, and stopped being a comedian, opting to move his "big words and obscure references" style into punditry, where it works about as well as you might expect.

Comment Re:Should be objective, not biased... (Score 1) 452

Ever heard of the Sunk Cost fallacy?

The one that's not actually any sort of "fallacy" and certainly has no bearing on replacing hardware that still serves its purpose?

Even if you're right about the software, it makes more sense to wait until one of those "must have" packages goes 64-bit only in "a year or two", since the new hardware will be more current than doing it now for the sake of, as a poster above put it so well, "ooh, shiny!"

Comment Re:You really can't be serious (Score 1) 510

This only increases the odds of dying while pursuing our occasionally dangerous professions, such as Clement Vallandigham, a lawyer and Ohio politician defending a man on a charge of murder, who accidentally shot himself demonstrating how the victim might have shot himself while in the process of drawing a weapon when standing from a kneeling position.

Yeah, but was he acquitted?

Comment Re:Girls just do not like programming as much as b (Score 1) 673

Back in 1987, computing was still the "super job of the future" being touted as the next big thing to get rich as the turn of the century rolled up (kind of like the stupid "drop out of school and be a social network entrepreneur" going around now). You had plenty of people of both sexes trying to "break in" to it back then, and the dollar signs they were seeing weren't perl scalars.

Comment Re:Lol... (Score 1) 1116

There's very little mention of invisible sky grandfathers in the under-50 crowd (the belief may still be there, but it's rarely presented as argument for policy).

Very little direct mention as argument for, maybe, yet it still *informs* most of their policy. Those that aren't blatant corporate cock-sucking, at least (and yes, I know, the majority of the policy on "both sides" falls into that latter category).

Comment Re:Bu the wasn't fired (Score 1) 1116

Pressure and coercion are the same thing, people claiming they're not are just trying to play semantics because they have no other leg to stand on

No, they're not, otherwise a boss telling a slacker "do your job or you're fired" would fall afoul of the law in question, and I don't think even the Granola state is that far gone into ridicule yet.

Comment Re:Other states it's legal? (Score 1) 1116

No, it's illegal in every state. It's also not remotely what happened here.

1. No one was fired. One guy resigned.

2. It had nothing to do with how he voted.

3. The backlash came from his donating financial support to a hate campaign

3. The backlash was in the form of people being pissed off about #3. Voting never entered into it, and not even SCOTUS bullshit redefinition of money as "speech" makes that much of a stretch legitimate.

Even if he was fired, which he was, again, not, it was because he pissed off a fuckton of people who: a) would be working for him, and/or b) need to use what they make in order for the company he would be running to stay in business (google's not going to give them 90% of their budget otherwise).

You wants to be a bigoted scumbag? Fine, that's your right. You want to *vote* like one? Absolutely, it's still how decisions get made in this country (hah).

You want to give public support to a hate group, and not have it held against you when it comes out in the open? Tough shit. Like the libertarians say, "the market has spoken."

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