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Comment Re:Buy some suntain lotion (Score 4, Insightful) 230

Actually, this isn't too far from the truth. I've heard of a few cases where simply changing the URL has brought up documents that should be private and the person who reported it was brought up on charges for "hacking". Unfortunately, the public does not understand the difference between simply poking around and trying to mess up someone's system for nefarious reasons. Perhaps someone here on /. will remember the particular cases involved but as sad as it sounds, you are on a shaky legal foundation.

Comment Popularity is Guided/Controlled (Score 2) 57

I have heard and seen numerous bands that don't get contracts or played on the radio because they don't fit the image and message that record companies "want", or don't play the games to get the contracts. That radio play time is what causes popularity, people know what they hear and can't know anything they don't hear. Take their title example "pop". The top female pop stars would not have become popular without a massive budget to advertise them and get their names out (telling everyone how it's a big star in the intro message). Until the VMA/MTV/(other award show) put up Miley Cyris and told everyone what a great artist she was who heard of her in the Music industry? Ariana Grande? Most of these people are only performers (actresses/actors) and purchase songs written for them that the producers tell them to play.

Read up on what most bands have had to do to gain popularity and the advertising required to make it big. Most bands, regardless of genre, have to give up control of just about everything. Producers change lyrics, change music, change production and the artists have no say. Smart musicians may build some elements of control into their contracts, but if they do the wrong things they receive no air time or advertising.

The study is wrong, because it negates the biggest reason for popularity. Advertising. The game is rigged, and most musicians know and admit as much.

Comment Re:Offtopic but...wth happened to /. layout? (Score 1) 102

I was rather surprised with the new layout, and last night was buggy as all get out. Now that the bugs are worked out I like the new design. It's not beta, or if it is they built in everything we said was missing and fixed the text layout we complained about.

If there was some sort of announcement system I'd have been understanding last night. That is something Slashdot has never been good about though...

Comment Re:I prefer Rocksmith (Score 1) 163

Noob Rocksmith questions. As a drummer for a lot of decades I have always considered picking up the guitar or bass. Much more portable and crowd friendly. First question: Is there a bass version? For either, how hard is it for someone who never picked up a guitar to start on Rocksmith?

Comment Content owner? (Score 1) 32

Screw auto-play, I'm trying to figure out who "ooyala"and "taboola" are, and why their content is being linked (by default on every Slashdot page). Whois data seems to link them to tucows, who I have not seen since they were found to be spreading malware through their download wrappers.

Yeah, you have to follow the whois chain down the road to get to tucows but it's obvious 2 steps away.

FWIW, taboola and ooyala seem to be both tracking companies (for marketing purposes *wink* *wink*). No thanks, I won't let their video play.

Comment Re:... Driverless cars? (Score 1) 301

Well, it certainly worked out well for all those unions that just rolled over for management. Your anecdote just shows how good some people are at creating a narrative to justify their actions.

Do you honestly believe that the labor/management collaboration is a zero sum game, and that there is no possible win-win scenario, and the only choices are "labor loses" OR "management loses"?

Because if you do, I'd like to know what business you are in so that I can take the margin on a "win-win" to turn one of the "wins" into a "lose", and you will happily just eat it, because you believe that's how things have to be in what is actually, essentially, a positive sum game.

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