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Comment Re:In a cochlear implant users own words: (Score 1) 510

I easily hear the same, as long as I'm using the telecoil or direct audio input. I'm also only a month into this, so hopefully on a regular set of speakers I'll hear it better soon.

Music sounded the same or better to me as with the hearing aids on the drive home after activation... louder on the higher frequency notes, but I could trivially pick out each note.

If you're on the original processor, it's likely the newer ones will do a lot more for you.. Nucleus 22 back then, wasn't it? And that's a remarkable lifespan for the processor!

Comment Re:In a cochlear implant users own words: (Score 1) 510

They're serial number locked, so that won't work. The processor queries the implant when the processor is linked and if it's the wrong number, it won't send a signal. People with two implants could mix up the processors otherwise, so it's a safety thing to prevent sending the wrong levels to the implant.

Same type of implant. :)

Comment Re:In a cochlear implant users own words: (Score 1) 510

Born with it, which is actually worse for results generally. Kids implanted early do best, followed by adults who went deaf, with those deaf all their life doing about the worst since the brain never developed those parts.

My hearing loss was about 25db in the low freq's until I was about 20something, where it dropped 35db in about 6 months.. always had the high frequency loss.

Comment Re:In a cochlear implant users own words: (Score 4, Informative) 510

I am deaf myself, with a loss of 60+ db up to about 500-600 Hz and about 110db after that. Though I know ASL to a passable degree, I don't generally consider myself Deaf. I wore very high power hearing aids up till this year, when I had a cochlear implant put in.

I'm now at week 3 after having my Med-El cochlear implant activated.

I had basic speech understanding with lipreading about five minutes after being activated, and could easily follow the melody of music on the car ride home. Music sounded about the same as it does with hearing aids, or with it cranked way up on speakers/headphones... In other words, the sound quality of the implant was nowhere near AM radio quality... a bit off from CD quality, but not hugely.

After three weeks, I'm starting to be to understand speech without lipreading for some people, and lyrics in music are starting to come in for me, and music has smoothed out in the upper frequencies that i couldn't hear properly in before.

I now hear with around a 15db loss, and that is still being adjusted and programmed as my ears adjust.

As an example of the difference in hearing, I tried dropping a raisin on the ground a few weeks ago, and clearly heard it hit the tile.. before I'd have to drop the whole bag of them. I can clearly hear the claws of the dog walking across the floor.. from another room. Could never hear the turn signal or headlight warning in the car before, now they're louder than the car to me.

Everyones experience varies with the implants, but it's not always as bad as Rush's has turned out.

My wife has the same cochlear implant as me, and has had it for about three years. The most clear sign that they can do almost miracles was about a year or two ago when we went to a friends wedding.. about 150-200 people in a very large and noisy room. My hearing aids were doing nothing for me in the noise, even telling that someone was talking was impossible. She was able to listen from across the room with her implant and interpret into ASL for me.

Comment Re:What a joke (Score 4, Insightful) 195

Then why aren't you buying your own modem for less than $50 and saving yourself the money every month? I mean, I get it, I think Comcast is for the birds too but honestly bitching about something you can buy yourself and they'll absolutely allow you to take on all the risk for is not something to choose to complain about.

Comment It won't work.. second entity can short (Score 1) 342

Even the 500ms won't work. HFT have a lot of infrastructure and resources. You can simple model your HFT in a way that there are two entities trading, one buys it, if the HFT system decides to sell it and is restricted to do so for 500ms or a week, the other entity shorts the same trade, in effect achieving the same results. IMO, you should be allowed to short trades along with this 500ms block for this to properly work.

Obviously, you can have multiple entities trading on behalf of the HF Traders.

Comment Re:And there's the whole economies of scale thing (Score 1) 400

Someone would have said all the same things about electricity at home, phone, internet, cars etc.

1) Make it happen
2) Make it happen reliably and repeatably
3) Make it happen at decent speed and quality
4) Then you make it cheaper

and when you get to the point 4, things tend to start getting better quality and faster for less as well as more people adopts the tech and makes it better.

Comment Re:So far away (Score 3) 400

not just a toy.

it allowed us to create products affordably we couldn't otherwise make, in production, for sale. We are a typical small business with constrained budgets for creating products and small customer base.
It affords us to create products where the production costs are rather low, thus a comfortable margin product to make the product viable in the first place, with big commercial competitors, albeit the big commercial competitors have inferior products, with way higher price tag.

Further, 3d printing allowed us to rapidly prototype our product, turnaround for a new prototype can be less than one day, and we've done that many times over, and in early design stages multiple prototypes a day. Hiring a shop to machine parts for us the lead time for new prototype would be couple of weeks, and the expense would be orders of magnitude more.

Comment Sync Licensing. (Score 1) 490

Mechanical, compulsory is easy licensing to deal with. Not really much restrictions on the distribution format. Sync licensing on the other hand gives the artist the right to dictate which methods of distribution are allowed. So if an artist says, "NO STREAMING" there will be no streaming.

There. TL;DR;'d that for ya.

Comment The real reason FB has an officer. (Score 3, Interesting) 235

I work down the street from their menlo park/willow road campus. Right now Facebook is building an apartment complex across the street from HQ. They've promised to only rent 10% of the apartments to their employees with the other 90% being offered to the general public at market rate.

Despite the nice sounding name, Menlo Park's east side is akin to East Palo Alto. Slum neighborhoods, crime, ghetto. With the influx of google/facebook employees however the neighborhood is slowly gentrifying.

I think facebook wants to turn the neighborhood into something more appealing for their employees.

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