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Comment Re:Those Borland languages (Score 1) 26

I learned OOP principles from reading Borland's Object Pascal manuals. I had "acquired" Turbo Pascal but saved enough from my newspaper route to buy Object Pascal when it came out and that set me up for a lifetime of documentation disappointment in everything after that. I guess a decade or so later O'Reilly started to close that gap.

Comment Re:Works for me (Score 1) 316

For me self-checkout is just the new express lane. I like using it if I only have a few items but only if there is not a line at the self-check. One caveat is that when people are slow at self check, they are extremely slow. If a line has formed it is not worth it, just go to a regular checkout instead. The bagging area is also too small to handle more than an express-lane sized load as well, and the machines will freak out if you remove a loaded bag to make room for a new one.

Comment They *JUST* bought Cyrus Security (Score 1) 20

https://www.malwarebytes.com/b... I don't know what size it is (was?), or how many of its staff are affected, but come on, acquire a new company one week, lay off 100 staff the next? How are people supposed to have a life? Companies that complain of falling staff loyalty have actions like this to blame. It's like trying to make a home and have a family in a video game level where every floor tile you touch falls away a few seconds later.

Comment Re:Horrible Idea (Score 1) 122

Guess it depends on the government.

For years, Maryland has had an online questionnaire-style website that I have used every time and never had it disagree with TaxCut/HRBlock.

And every year in the feedback, I ask for the simple "fill-in-the-blanks" like a PDF of the actual MD502 form, because I already did the heavy lifting and just want to enter my answers without giving somebody $20 for the "privilege" of e-Filing.

Comment Re:Dagnabit! (Score 1) 67

Have you read this perfect quote from Douglas Adams? Do you see you just jumped into zone 3?

        1. Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works.

        2. Anything that’s invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.

        3. Anything invented after you’re thirty-five is against the natural order of things.

Comment Re:Pinterest (Score 1) 72

Something similar exists as a plugin: https://iorate.github.io/ublac...

I use it to block the N-thousand Stack Overflow SEO leeches, the useless programming "tutorial" sites, etc.


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Comment don't let the door hit you on the way out... (Score 1) 83

"Boo hoo for them!", say all the Mom-and-Pop stores and American-made manufacturing who were put out of business by economic manipulation and IP theft dragonboating.

"Climate Change"...uh..fraction of a degree of heat...IF the "corrected" data, selective editing, hyperbole, and computer models are correct...means less death and more food. Maybe Gaia worship isn't all it's cracked up to be...

World population is shrinking. Resources always become "scarce." There was a time worldwide doom was predicted because there were not enough wales from which to harvest fuel oil.

Here's an idea, instead of sourcing items from Chinese slavery and pollution then shipping them across the world, perhaps redirect all that to local production in the US where the pollution regulations, as enforced, are the best. Starve the communist slavery business and provide jobs for local people. What a concept!

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