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Comment Re:Science is a religion, so this makes no sense (Score 1) 221

Overrated is not Disagree. Read the FAQ

Concentrate more on promoting than on demoting. Try to be impartial about this; simply disagreeing with a comment is not a valid reason to mark it down. The goal here is to share ideas, to sift through the haystack and find needles, and to keep spammers and griefers in check.

Sometimes comments are disproportionately up-moderatedâ"this probably means several moderators saw it at nearly the same time, and their cumulative scores exaggerated its merit. (Example: A knock-knock joke at +5, Funny.) Such a comment is Overrated.

Comment Re:Science is a religion, so this makes no sense (Score 1) 221

The one reply to this so far is nothing more than an expression of disgust; but that's better than modding down. Remember, dear moderators, there is no -1 Disagree mod. The other negative mods are not there as substitutes. It was left out on purpose. If you want to refute the parent, put forth an argument.

Comment Re:1st post (Score 1) 266

That might actually be useful if 1. The person being searched believes it works. 2. The person doing the searching knows how to read the expressions and gestures of the person being searched.

I'm given to understand that the highly effective Israeli airport security uses that kind of technique, although AFAIK props aren't involved. They ask you a question and it's not so much the answer they're looking for as it is the way you answer.

Comment Re:Send in the drones! (Score 1) 848

It's a convenient shortcut you make here. One of the main justifications of the invasion was that there was a massive and secret program of WMD production conducted by the regime. mobile weapons laboratories, new chemicals being produced and moved around, et caetera. And now we know there was nothing of this - just some degraded remnants of the old stockpiles that were largely destroyed.

Comment Re:Send in the drones! (Score 5, Insightful) 848

Putin is pushing, because the West is pulling back. Some blame can be laid at Obama's feet, though I don't think anyone would want a President who went around making threats of open warfare. A lot of blame can be laid at the EU's feet, for inspiring the revolution, and then getting weak-kneed when the Russians became belligerent.

One thing is awfully clear. If you're an Eastern European nation with even a handful of ethnic Russians in your territory, you have a serious problem.

Comment Re:On site transmutation (Score 1) 191

It is expensive because of all the prior improper risk taking.

It is expensive because you're deliberately trying to artificially inflate the cost of nuclear power in order to make renewables look better in comparison, just like the enviromentalists have been doing for decades. Unfortunately, that tactic won't work, since renewables aren't capable of providing reliable baseload power, so all you'll end up doing is shifting to gas and, once it runs out, coal.

Comment Re:What else can they do? (Score 1) 191

A bunch of apparently quite dumb, reactionary and fearful people somehow dictate policy for multi billion dollar industry with armies of lawyers and wads of cash to throw at lobbying.

That's the dark side of democracy. Everyone can see there's something very wrong with the world, and no one wants to look into their own soul to see what it is. So any demagogue who comes out and blames it on someone else never lacks followers. Fear sells, but beyond fear it's the good old "the world will become a paradise just as soon as we exterminate this one last evil opponent".

That said, democracy is still progress: a couple centuries ago Greenpeace and nuclear lobby would had been killing each other. Unfortunately, avoiding outright war is not enough, so I guess humanity's about to be tag-teamed by climate change and energy crisis. And it's all you hippie's fault.

Comment Re:What are you downloading? (Score 1) 355

Just over a month ago, Steam has a sale on some very big games, like Wolfenstein: New Order and Splinter Cell: Blacklist. (maybe it's all the colons that take up the space.

It doesn't take too many games at over 20gig each, along with Netflix for the wife and streaming music before you're knocking on 150gig.

Why in the world the Wolfenstein game came out to over 40 gig I'll never know, but sure enough, for the first time I got the email from AT&T that I was at 90% of my limit. Fortunately, it was two days before the billing cycle rolled over, so I didn't have to pay.

Comment Re:What are you downloading? (Score 4, Funny) 355

I quite likely have, but I am not so crass as to go around asking random strangers in the gym what their orientation is.

This is why I love Slashdot. I discussion of internet overcharging and ATM encapsulation quickly pivots to the etiquette of showering with gay men at the gym.

Honestly, I love each and every one of you. In a purely platonic way, of course, though given enough vodka and grapefruit juice, who knows?.

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