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Comment Re:Bring boss facts and a tech recommendation, don (Score 1) 310

answer "that's a business decision that's up to you, but FROM A SECURITY PERSPECTIVE ..."

I don't know what the OP's particular situation is wrt business perspective --- could it be that the bosses actually are looking at a tradeoff "ship now with internally known security problems, or try to fix them and not ship at all, and fail as a business"? If this is the case, one should probably think how to gradually integrate better security in long-term. Certainly, if there is a criminal negligence going on, then the "ship with known problems" is not an option! It is very easy to over-hype security, but remember that, in the end, it's all down to business bottom line. If you have a supermarket chain with some casual shoplifting happening, sometimes you want to invest $$$ not into more security guards and anti-theft tech that frustrates the customers, but into everything else --- maybe opening a couple of more locations --- and in the end turning more profit from the same investment.


Explorer Plans Hunt For Genghis Khan's Long-Lost Tomb 243

Velcroman1 writes "The tomb of brutal Mongolian emperor Genghis Khan — the one who created the world's most powerful empire by raiding and invading across Eurasia, not Kirk's nemesis — is a lost treasure archaeologists have sought for years. And one man thinks he knows where it is. Last fall Alan Nichols, the president of The Explorers Club, mapped out possible locations for the tomb of Khan (also known as Chinnggis Qa'an). His hypothesis: Khan's tomb is located in the Liupan Mountains in Northern China, where the emperor who was born in 1162 and is said to have perished from an arrow wound in August 1227. Next fall, Nichols plans the next phase of his research: pinpointing Khan's exact resting place. 'Ghengis Khan's tomb is my obsession,' Nichols, a noted authority on the emperor, said recently. 'I couldn't stop thinking about it. But I'm not happy just reading about it, or knowing about it. I need to have my feet on it.'"

Comment how is this different from, say, kdewallet? (Score 1) 482

How is this "you can get a cleartext password in a couple of clicks" is different from, say, kdewallet? With physical access to unlocked wallet you can also ask it to display the cleartext password. This actually helped me once when I forgot my sf password having relied on kdewallet for a while and then I had to retype it on another box.

Comment Re:Privacy concerns now outweigh terrorism in poll (Score 1) 358

Unfortunately, not using gmail doesn't mean gmail won't spy on you -- thanks to your helpful correspondents who use gmail themselves, or send a CC to a gmail address. Same with the social networks -- even if you vehemently ignore all the invites, all those helpful enthusiasts that use the networks' spam-invite feature also betray your social graph to whoever mines it.

Comment a quote from Ross Andersen (Score 4, Interesting) 393

Yep. And, regarding your "even if they do not decrypt it", I can't help quoting one of my favourite books on security: "The main problem facing the worldâ(TM)s signals intelligence agencies is traffic selection â" how to filter out interesting nuggets from the mass of international phone, fax, email and other traffic. A terrorist who helpfully encrypts his important traffic does this part of the policeâ(TM)s job for them. If the encryption algorithm used is breakable, or if the end systems can be hacked, then the net result is worse than if the traffic had been sent in clear." (See p31)

European HbbTV Smart TV Holes Make Sets Hackable 39

mask.of.sanity writes "Vulnerabilities in Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV television sets have been found that allow viewers' home networks to be hacked, the programs they watched spied on, and even for TV sets to be turned into Bitcoin miners. The laboratory attacks took take advantage of the rich web features enabled in smart TVs running on the HbbTV network, a system loaded with online streaming content and apps which is used by more than 20 million viewers in Europe."

Should the Power of Corporate Innovation Shift Away From Executives? 149

Lucas123 writes "At the Consumerization of IT conference in San Francisco this week, several speakers agreed the next big shift in the corporate establishment will not be technological but social, away from top-down responsibility for innovation and change. Businesses are on the cusp of a leadership revolution because millennials moving into the workforce are 'the most authority-phobic' generation in history, according to Gary Hamel, a management educator at the London School of Business. Not only should low-level workers be incentivized for being creative, they should be given the power to spend corporate money on research and development, Hamel said. By doing that, companies will diversity their experimental capital. 'If you don't do that, you'll never change that innovation curve,' he said. Hamel was not alone. Kevin Jones, a consulting social & organizational strategist for NASA's Marshall and Goddard Space Flight Centers, agreed that traditional corporate culture needs a radical shakeup. 'The values of management today are different from the values of the social enterprise and different from the values of the consumerization of IT — and they're not mixing very well,' Jones said. 'That's where we're having the battle.'"
United States

US Entertainment Industry To Congress: Make It Legal For Us To Deploy Rootkits 443

An anonymous reader writes "The hilariously named 'Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property' has finally released its report, an 84-page tome that's pretty bonkers. But there's a bit that stands out as particularly crazy: a proposal to legalize the use of malware in order to punish people believed to be copying illegally. The report proposes that software would be loaded on computers that would somehow figure out if you were a pirate, and if you were, it would lock your computer up and take all your files hostage until you call the police and confess your crime. This is the mechanism that crooks use when they deploy ransomware."

Scientists Find Vitamin C Kills Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis 105

AndyKrish writes "A BBC story reports that scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University found Vitamin C kills drug resistant tuberculosis (abstract). Though results are preliminary — the lead investigator of the study said, 'We have only been able to demonstrate this in a test tube, and we don't know if it will work in humans and in animals' — this is an exciting development in the fight against drug-resistant TB."

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